mesh corrupted after importing visemes

Issue #303 closed
Luke Graybill created an issue

This happens to the mesh when reloading the blendfile after using the Import Visemes option. (Using Blender 2.92.0 with plugin commit 44db6ce, although it has happened at least for other commits during the past 2 or 3 days as well, I didn’t test back further than that yet.)

It is accompanied by a few pages of errors in the console, all of which are variations of this:

Error in Driver: The following Python expression failed:
        '0.0+evalMorphsLoc(self, 1)'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<bpy driver>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'evalMorphsLoc' is not defined

I’m including a blendfile with the problem present, but there’s nothing special about it - simply a plain G8F figure with the Basic Wear outfit has been imported and the following plugin steps followed in order:

  1. Merge Rigs
  2. Add Extra Face Bones
  3. Import Units
  4. Import Expressions
  5. Import Visemes

Comments (13)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I don’t have any problems with your file in Blender 2.91. Blender 2.92 is still in alpha stage, perhaps some bugs there. From the error description is sounds like the plugin does not register, or at least the evalMorphsLoc function doesn’t.

  2. engetudouiti

    I am git 2.92 0 alpha user (master )r, but could open the file without-problem and change vismes etc, save and could open your file. I up-date git blender yesterday.

    I feel if you have some up-date plug in issue.. I usually use auto-up-date in preference, but there may be case it not work correctly. (I experience same problem for other add on whiich offer same auto-up-date system, then there is case it happend to fail up-date and remain the issue, untill user clean un-install install plug in)

    But just to confirm do you keep Auto run python script in preference? sometimes new version blender remove set up when you change version.

  3. Luke Graybill reporter

    Interesting, I reset preferences to default and loaded only this plugin, and the file opened without problems. So, maybe a conflict with some other plugin? (although, I didn’t have very many installed before..) I’ll try to narrow it down for informational purposes!

  4. Luke Graybill reporter

    I was able to reproduce the issue even in Blender 2.91.0 just now, continuing to investigate.

  5. engetudouiti

    There may be case, other plug in conflict. If you could detect it show the plug in name please. you may need to up-date this plug in for each 2.90 to 2.92 version to detect easy.

  6. Luke Graybill reporter

    I am now able to usually reproduce the problem if I activate the Poliigon Material Converter addon FIRST, and then activate this plugin, and restart blender. However, if I activate this plugin first, then activate the Poliigon plugin, the blendfile loads properly. But not always? Sometimes it loads properly regardless, other times not.

    But as far as I can tell, as long as I don’t ever have the Poliigon and Daz plugins active at the same time, the problem does not happen. So, maybe something going on with whatever one or both of these plugins are doing at startup? 🤷‍♂️

    (Note that this applies to BOTH 2.91 and 2.92.. I can reproduce in either version of Blender.)

  7. engetudouiti

    mm,, I really do not know actually the plug in cause the issue or not.

    but if you un-activate the material plug in, then test same things, and you can not see same issue, these 2 plug in code seems conflict.

  8. engetudouiti

    If actually it cause issue, (only happen when activate both add on), may need to check the code. but I do not know why the material add on can effect about morph ^^;

  9. Luke Graybill reporter

    The Poliigon addon uses a similar update checker to the one recently added in this plugin, I’m wondering if there’s some conflict with the approaches used for the updater code. They might be invalidating each other’s namespaces or something?

  10. engetudouiti

    I do not think up-dater conflict both, (to download from repo, but when you activate the material add on (material editor) but usually if 2 add on use same custom property , it may conflict (or overwriten) ,

  11. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I don’t really know what the updater does, which is sort of scary. But it definitely sounds like a problem with registration. Are there any error messages when the plugin loads, before all driver errors?

  12. engetudouiti

    de-activate both plug in, then only up-date one plug in, and shut down re-open. next activate the other plug in, then up-date it, and shut down re-open blender, not work?

    If it work I suppose,,when you auto-up-date then close and restart blender, may cause conflict (eg if both auto updater use same folda temporally,,it may easy conflict when there are same name module file, I suppose.

    Actually I do not know where, this plug in auto up-dater download files ^^; if all file are downloaded in each plug in directory, this problem may not happen.

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