Question and future request to manage assets easy for same body character

Issue #304 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

Though it may change with each user, I often use same character (body) then change cos (hair props, and clothings) and re-use again and again.

So basically once I decide charcter body, (include import moprhs for body and gen parts), I use same rig and base body mesh. then only exchange cos sets.

About material things It can be saved by copy material (save mesh with material in another blend file, then use it to material library, then I usually append mesh, copy material deliete appended one)

To make asset (costume hairs), I hope to know, when convert rig to mhx, what data may change or not about each mesh? At current I think when we change rig, we need to change vertex groups which assgin for current rig bones .

Then my request is (if it need), keep vertex group separately. for MHX and base. then even though we swap rig (MHX to base or Base to MHX), we can easy swap rig (may need to set driver correctly though) with change armature modifier target armature at least about same shape body (and clothing) it should work I suppose..

Though I do not know, if it is really complex or not, but if I need to change mesh with default rig or MHX, about each clothing items, I need to save 2 items as library. if you can keep vertex group (for MHX , Rigi-fy currently I seldom use) when user hope so, I really apreciate. about shape keys (JCM or body morphs), it never change I suppose. (so we can import morph for meshes first then save it in asset library, (eg once transfer jcms then save only meshes)

Of course I know, if I append these items to current scene rig, I need to exchange driver target once. (but current add on alrady offer stable function for the purpose, I think)

If it work so,, I can save body and rig (default), then save MHX rig (so current scene have dobule rig, only activate one when use it) and can save assets (it already import morphs etc,) just append those asets and attach armature modifier.

About hair (it often have additional rig) I usually keep it with rig, but even though I convert to MHX, I can easy merge hair rig to current one (not use default functions , it not work for MHX, I suppose, but manually just merge with head (or DEF-head bone) other custom bone never change between rig.

Comments (8)

  1. engetudouiti reporter
    • edited description

    If it work so,, I can concentrate the body (and grafted parts) only. then can add clothings any-time I need later. (Though to save mhx rig compatible mesh, at least I once attach them default rig, then covnert, and save mesh only, so it may have each vertex groups for both rig, then save mesh only as asset library)

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Then if it may need to change driver formula (like expressions, or use JCMs) I suppose It is difficult. (so I may save MHX mesh and Default mesh separately, if I need) then I hope to know what may effect for mesh, when we change rig,

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I don’t understand what you want to do that cannot be done with existing tools. To add a new outfit to an existing character, add it in DS, import in Blender, and append the new clothes to the existing character. You have to do some operations in Blender first, like transfer jcms and convert to mhx, but that is a moderate amount of work. Then you keep different outfits in different collections, and only enable those that you use.

    But clearly you think of something else. Going back to the original rig once you have converted to mhx or rigify is not really feasible. Keep two blend files instead.

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    I think your describe way seems what I currently doing. 😀

    add it in DS, import in Blender, and append the new clothes to the existing character. You have to do some operations in Blender first, like transfer jcms and convert to mhx, but that is a moderate amount of work. Then you keep different outfits in different collections, and only enable those that you use.

    Then hope to know more clear stable work-flow to store convert data, but without duplicate many scene.

    eg, now I use same body then she have 3 type costume sets

    then after import to blender , how you may keep them? before I save each body with costume, as blend file.

    but I think I can separate them without remain same body mesh and rig. so at current (still testing my workflow is stable or not)

    I save rig and body (grafted gen) as characername.blend

    for actual scene I reuse this default body (with rig)

    2 save costume A , costume B, objs in cosset.blend , then if I hope to add another one, save as cosset2.blend (it may include costume C or other props )

    3 save hair only (sometime, keep imported rig) hair.blend (hair2. blend …)

    blender 2.92 (next year) support asset library,, so it is good timing for me to keep each cosset irg, body as library assets. (they will be easy can change as asset when I need )

    so I think basically you means same thing. (may only change which mesh ,rig data will be saved as one file.. eg you may gather all once and save huge blend file or separate 2 or 3 with group (hair or cosonly or weapon only etc)

    Then , “Going back to the original rig once you have converted to mhx or rigify is not really feasible. Keep two blend files instead.”

    As yuo said at current I need 2 mesh as MHX (or rigify) and default , for all cosset. Then I suppose if you keep default vertex-groups (assgined for deform bone), then when convert as mhx, it do not touch those vertex group (locked) but made new vertex groups with clear pre-fix (though it may need to set defrom bone names so( when it need) I epxected if I could exchange only rig , without duplicate all meshes. (only vertex group may change, I suppose ,,,)

    but if it may break driver relation (like jcm) with shape keys, I understand, it is not easy and should not. ( I think, if I set all driver for import morphs, all necessary data for driver may remain in each rig, (mhx rig, and default rig, then when exchange rig, shape keys with driver is only matter I suppose,, so I hoped it may feasible , just change rig (in armature modifier) anytime I need…

    (eg add new morphs, I often return to default rig and meshes,,, so I hoped if I can back anytime I need,, (keep working on same scene, just change rig,,without append (re-load) same assets.

    Do you think, if you keep vertex group (default) and make new vertex group for (MHX) separately, and remain both in same mesh (eg shirt ) then swap rig, can cause another problem which may not be solfed easy?

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    I means,, if I do it manually (maybe make script etc) you may think it may cause issue ?

    1. when convert mhx or rigi-fy, rename current vertex groups for deform then just lock them, (eg eye group change as eye_df) then those vetrex group will never be used as real meaning
    2. when exchange rig to default, (I save it in same scene, but disable), return those vertex group name to much current rig defrom bones (if there is same bone name used, but with different weight ,, maybe those vertex group need to chagne name like eye_mhx etc,, so I suppose all MHX rig using vertex group may change as bonename_mhx seems simple.. though it may include perfectly same vertex group sometime,,)

    About just posing, it should work, so I hope to know if it cause difficult issue for driver, morphs etc?

    if basically this procedure work,, I think , if you can offer command, which only exchange those vertex group for each rig, seems useful. (so user only need to keep one obj, for 2 rig)

    Then this work-flow is not so unique, because actually I saw other add on, which keep import rig and converted rig vertex group (weight map for bone) like this way, then user can use same mesh for 2 different rig,,(of course you need to disable the other) but the add on is not so flexible for other purpose, then recently I seldom use it,,

    (you really keep up-date this plug in so I think there may be case, it cause difficult new problem which you can not solve easy… (maybe about morphs properties etc) then hope to know what problem may happen… when return rig.. (with chagne vertex group)

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    And I remameber one another thing it related with this,,😅

    So at current you say, we may better save as different MHX and default, yes I should do it,but

    can you add option, to auto duplicate then generate MHX rig and meshes, without remove current default rig and meshes, but keep clean labell for rig, and meshes, with collection, as automate?

    (like all mhx converted mesh may rename or add plefix in MHX collection etc)

    Though I do not use it for real render (the blend file should be double size,) but if you think it as character library blend file,, you may hope to keep them as separate collection, but re-use them in one blend file..

    eg so you can import morphs later, and remove current MHX version, then re-make it with opening one blend file.

    Though actually it is easy,, but rename and re-collection then keep 2 mesh and rig in one blend file, , can be done when convert MHX or rig-fy as one button process. (for user ^^;)

    of course there should be user, who do not need duplicate item in same scene, but the option is not bad (remain rig and mesh as new collection when convert, with clean labell name)

    (if you often tweak morph later) I feel.

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    Ok now I expect the 2nd suggestion only. . because I suppose you hope to offer stable release version (as you said), then not hope complex thing (and maybe if it cause new issue etc). so set this as solved. then add new request,

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