NGFV8 morphs not imported properly

Issue #313 closed
Fab 3DX created an issue

When I try to use PBMAnusOpen and PBMG8FAnusOpen together it’s not working like it was before. I tried transfering the PBMG8FAnusOpen morph with the different morph transfer methods but none of them worked. I followed your documentation closely but it’s not working. I tried using an older version of your plugin that I still had, was from late November, it imported the G8FAnusOpen morph as JCM and not custom morph, but it worked.
I don’t know if I’m missing something but this is what I did (downloaded the current version):

Import the AnusOpen morph on the gens
Import the G8FAnusOpen morph on the G8F char
use transfer other morphs with nearest face methode

Now when I dial both sliders to 1 it’s looking like in the attached pics

Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Did you try to uncheck Ignore Rigidity Groups? I don’t remember exactly, but I think that NGV8 has rigidity groups and that this option matters.

    Edit: Now I remember that I changed the default value a while ago. Which could explain why it worked before.

  2. Fab 3DX reporter

    I unchecked “Ignore Rigidity Groups” and it seems to work now! That should be added in the documentation in the future xD
    Thanks a lot!

  3. engetudouiti

    Yes the option is somehow difficult to user understand when we activate or not.

    basically daz rigidity group only prevent, “auto transfered morph” from fit to item defomation.

    So as default, when we transfer morphs we need to keep “rigidity group”. But when import morphs (include vendor offer item jcm or shape morph) for clothing , asset, we need to ignore rigidity group.

    What I afraid is,, this plug in smart, then I remember if vendor offer same name morphs for transfer target assets, not transfer and generate shape keys but import those morph as shape key right?

    So if add on import and generate shape keys, we should “ignore rigidity group”,

    but if add on actuall transfer shape keys, we should “keep rigidity group” (masking) (default)

    both things may happen when we transfer JCM or morph with this add on for “fit to” items. And I do not clear remember, add on auto activate or disable “rigidity group” when trasnfer morphs (JCM or morphs)

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I changed the option name to Preserve Rigidity Groups, so to avoid double negatives in the docs. By default it is off for jcms and on for other morphs, which may be a good default.

  5. engetudouiti

    Sorry if I miss something, but I think default setting is inverse what you discribed (and commit comment)

    Because when we transfer jcm , it try to represent, daz auto transfer right?

    then in daz studio only “auto transfered” morphs (include body jcm which will be auto transfered for clothiing, or body morph which will be auto tarnsfered for cloth or items currently fit to character rig will take count rigidity group. (so those group not deformed even though morph are transfered)

    So you need to set “preserve rigidity group” when transfer JCM from body to another clothing etc.

    Then I suppose “preserve rigidity broup” default = ON for jcm transfer.

    it may not change about JCM or other morph I suppose.

    The case we need to set it as “OFF” = do not preserve rigidity group, actually import the clothing morphs. Or use “transfer morphs” for simply transfer morph A to B without consider auto-transfer process (DS )

    eg after merge body, then import new morph for body only mesh, then we hope to transfer morph of body to merged body, (it not relate with daz auto-tranfer) we may need not keep rigidity group. I reported it long time ago, when I hand made gential morphs then hope to transfer to current merged mesh, rigidity grooup prevent it. . (so you add option ignore rigidity group at that time)

    I hope you confrim it, (or If I mistake simply sorry, but I think it is how rigidity group work (it can not prevent, real morph. only “auto transfered morph” can use rigidity group to prevent un-expected defrom for rigid mesh. (like attached accessary, or armor part)

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The name of the option was changed back to Ignore and the default to off, as it were in previous releases. I don’t remember why I changed the release, but at some point it seemed like a good idea.

  7. engetudouiti

    I understand, why you think it is good idea ^^ because we may forget the main reason for tranfer morphs, (we recently often use it, for transfer base mesh morph to merge mesh etc, but as you said before,, it was not main purpose of this funciton ^^;

    Though I do not think you may return name,, (preserve rigidity is good naming I thought, but how it work seems opositte, or default was opositte , anyay when transfer morphs, it mimic daz studio auto -transfer, then as default, it need to keep rigidity group. (though I do not know actually how you made it , shape key with vertex gorup controll? (mask)

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