better nodes setup ?

Issue #32 closed
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

I don't know if this is possible at all but here's an idea for a better automated setup of the material nodes.

Any daz material is done with a chain of mix nodes with an optional fac node. Plus there are textures with an optional processing node. Plus there's the final optional volume setup. Also some nodes may be closed to save space because they don't show necessary information. Such as textures nodes, the texture coordinate and the add shader node.

Now by chaining the mix nodes in a row with their parameters we get a quite compact and pretty view of the material. Since the method is simple per se I though may be it can be automated. Of course this is absolutely minor but if possible at all it would be nice to have some less clutter in the materials definition.

Below an example of the idea with a typical bsdf material. May be some of it can be used anyway.

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