Current commit brings back bug when using Principled for refraction which enables SSR in materials which have Transmission == 0

Issue #338 resolved
Xin created an issue

Eevee can’t handle stacked surfaces with Screen Space Refraction (SSR) enabled, so keeping the amount of materials with SSR enabled to a minimum is necessary, otherwise you get errors. An easy fix is to ONLY enable SSR when using Principled nodes for refraction if Transmission > 0.

Akiko for Mei Lin 7 shows this problem.

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, I implemented this in the last commit. This means that some transparent bsdf materials will not render correctly in eevee. However, all material and render settings are still set up for SSR, except for the global flag, so you can turn it on by a single click.

  2. Xin reporter

    Sorry Thomas, I tested the last commit but it still has the same issue, I think there was a misunderstanding, what I meant was the Screen Space Refraction option here:

    That one shouldn’t be enabled if Transmission == 0 in the principled node responsible for refraction. This is a per material setting. I think you had already solved that before.

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