After converting to rigify pose controls for hands/fingers are lost

Issue #339 wontfix
jeroen b created an issue

Converting a character to rigify, results in losing the pose controls (body morphs) for the hands & fingers. This does not happen when converting to MHX.

Perhaps an easy solution would be to add an option in the UI dialogue, to exclude fingers/thumbs for the conversion?

Comments (9)

  1. engetudouiti

    hm,, maybe i think it work,, but you may lost rigi-fy open and close finger controller. if you do not need them I suppose,,(hope) it can be option.

    Then If thomas check them I hope at same time consdier, if there is way to finger can open and close full section (rigi-fy offer pose controller)current add on rig-fy version not open close full finger sections, with scale widgt.

    add on try to keep daz finger strcuture, (parent etc),, so only first and second finger section seems open and close when we use scale widgt. of each finger.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Your observation is correct, Using body morphs with mhx and rigify is not supported. That it happens to work for some morphs for mhx is an accident. If you try some other body morphs, like moving the arms, only the shoulders move. And bending the hip rotatates the entire body.

  3. engetudouiti

    I think, if we limit pose controller as only hand (finger rotation) pose,, IK FK chain can keep at least for hand, and leg chain,,, so each hand finger structure is only matter.. (then jeroen b sugestted it only exclude fingers but try to use non convert version if you can)

    Though I actually did not try it,.

    as same as face bone controller.

  4. jeroen b reporter

    I see Thomas, body morphs basically do not make sence when you convert to MHX or rigify. It would be useful though to be able to keep the controls for hand movements if possible. I tried the “create metarig” option, deleted all the bones of the hands (except the handbones) and rigified this, but I could not figure out how to make it work to pose the actual character.

  5. engetudouiti

    I suppose You can not do it with the work flow..

    If I really test it,, I may try use plug in generated rig, then keep current rig-fy strucute, of finger, then add some driver for one finger to test only. you may find new bone must need .

    we need 3 things

    1 (drive finger by pose controll),

    2 pose each finger manually,

    keep IK and FK switch for hand. (all finger correctly positioned when change IK to FK arm without break posing)

    though rig fy not generate 2 finger bone pare as IK and FK, but rig-fy use many constrain to get it work.. then just exchange finger may not work. even though you correctly set vertex group.

    So try with generated rig seems more easy.

    If you can add one driver for one finger bone ,which rotate, , and could confirm the finger can sitll posing manually, and when switch IK FK arm pose,, no problem,, I think, the proplem change.. (how apply import file to new bones)

    But change all finger of hand by daz default (with drv bone I suppose) may never work. unfortunately ..

  6. engetudouiti

    I hope it work... recently play MHX only so can not test rig fy.. , I think there should be way.. at least when I check rigi-fy bone hieralchy I felt so.. (exchange finger bone only, then still keep IK FK chain of hand. )

    (but to auto-mate by sicirpt we need clear work-flow, and actual rig only blend file. then Thomas can check and confirm,, after that, if it is usefull,, we can request,, to auto convert. I suppose)

    I said you may better to keep Rigi-fy hieralchy, then I may try after generate rigi-fy, remove only finger hireralchy and exchange it as Daz rig (which you already imported hand pose controllers (so it already add drv bone I suppose). but I can not confrim if it still keep IK arm FK arm switch. so if it work,, add weight map for daz finger named bone, in rigi-fy is not difficult I think. (only need to rename finger vertex-group of body mesh . about weight map, plug in use daz bone weight as same as before

    (so only bone name and related vertex group change I suppose.. do not seriously check them,, so do not remeber,, if it was DEF start or not..)

    If you try it with meta-rig, I think it may be more difficult. so first try, edit generated -meta rig (add driver, or exchange finger bones etc)

    Though , if it worked, we lost master finger controller of rigi-fy . then need to use pose controller to easy change hand pose. (I usually just save pose as library or custom preset file and re-use it.. so if pose controller (hand only) work,, it should be useful..

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