UI button, which Genelate fake shader group which add on use for BSDF option

Issue #341 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I think add on generate each shader node when import duf then set value.

As future request, I hope about original custom shader (node group which you gatehered as DAZ___) they will be generated once with default value as F user with one click option etc..

Because add on seems often change labell name,, in node group, so sometimes, even though it is actually mix shader, I take time, when adjust values, what the shader do (which cycles shader are used) for the node group (sometimes single one)

Or I may recommend, as sample file,, one custom shader blend file, which attach all custom node group shader as Fake user.

Because if so, we can link easy from the blend, then can use each custom node group when we need .

If you will make original uber type shader,, you may only need to generate it as user option,, but may not do so with BSDF option, (I know current way is easy to change, and up-date) so offer button in UI material section, which only generate custom group, plug in already used as fake user,, should be useful .

Comments (4)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Ofcourse It is appendix as same as you offer document ,, import_daz functions.(thanks)

    , you know well how each custom node group work. some of them should be useful add on user too. (then user may offer good feed-back for more specific issue I think) but it need user know the custom group purpose clear.

    So when you make new documents,, I really apeciate,,if it add some guide about your custom node groups. which plug in currently used. (of course no need to discribe mix shader usage,, user like to know your intention why you use those to convert what iray material)

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This is useful, even if it took me a long time to do it. Advanced Panel > Materials > Make Shader Groups make specified node groups.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks !! I may hope to customize current shader group (for my private purpose) then if it work, really helpful

    at current I pray MHX rig often, so can not check now how it work but really thanks you take time.

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