Clothing afterwards (transfer JCMs or Morph to clothes) I get an error

Issue #348 closed
Jochen Sutter created an issue

I’m trying to clothing a figure afterwards. It works so far. I could clothe the figure. But now I want to “transfer JCMs” and get this error in the Pic below after I’ve selected the JCMs on the list and pushed OK. → ”apply object transformation first”.

In this example I try to tranfer the JCMs from the legs to the pants.

I don't understand what is meant?

Comments (10)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It means that either the character or the clothes have transformations on the object level. The location and rotation must both be zero, and the scale must be one.

    You can fix this either by applying the object transforms or by resetting them to the default values, depending on what you want the rest transform to be.

  2. engetudouiti

    Though I did not test “transfer JCM etc” with recent version. but your error means, add on find transform value for the mesh.

    When you transafer jcm or morphs, you need to keep zero transform, for source and target mesh. (I do not remember if it include rig transform)

    if you already transform rig or each object, after import,, it may cause issue. (and show the error)

    Or if there is mesh when you import, it include transform value (though I had not seen it ), same issue may happen.

    Did you move rig, or mesh, in object mode, when you transfer JCM? (and ofcourse, you need to keep zero pose in pose mode too)

    ouch same time reply. 😅

  3. Jochen Sutter reporter

    Thank you very much!

    It works now? The issue was, I exported the figure with the clothes without a the Dicktdator. So I think it was an issue with the missing dick bones. Now I exported the figure with the dickdator and it seems to work now 🙂

  4. Jochen Sutter reporter

    Sorry. I have a maybe last issue

    Now it works with the posing with the JCMs, but if I move the armatur to an other position the clothes don’t follow and get deformed.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You should parent the clothes to the armature, not to the body mesh, and add an armature modifier. To transfer the vertex groups from the body, use the data transfer modifier. And do the transfer in rest pose.

  6. Jochen Sutter reporter

    Thank you for the tip. I parent it to the armature now.

    What is the “Data transfer” for? Is that in addition or instead of the “transfer JCMs”? What is the effect of this DataTransfer Modifier? Does it bring a better adaptaion of the clothes to the body in poses?

  7. Xin

    Jochen, you can read about the Data Transfer modifier in the context of transferring vertex weights to unrigged meshes here:

    The addon’s “Transfer …” buttons transfer Shape Keys/Morphs, not vertex weights. Daz clothing is already rigged so transferring vertex weights is never needed if you are importing clothing compatible with your figure from daz. See:

    So to be clear:

    • The way a certain bone in an armature influences the position of a vertex in the mesh is defined by the VERTEX WEIGHTS of the vertex group with the same name as the bone.
    • Shape Keys store vertices' offsets that you can dial selectively to offset the vertices from their current position so the mesh acquires another form. For each vertex displaced, its coordinates' offset is stored, so Shape Keys can become quite heavy if the mesh is dense. Think of Shape Keys as stored vertex edits like you would do in Edit Mode. JCMs in daz are Shape Keys driven by bones' positions/rotations, but they are still Shape Keys, they are not part of the rig or defined by vertex weights. The purpose of JCMs is not to rig clothing but to correct imperfect rigging by displacing vertices in certain poses so clothing doesn’t poke through.

    Notice the difference, the addon mainly cares about transferring Shape Keys between meshes (geografts, clothing, etc.). If you have an unrigged mesh, that’s a separate problem and a quite unusual situation if you are importing from daz since daz meshes are rigged. The first link in this post explains how to attempt to rig unrigged meshes in Blender with the Data Transfer modifier, but it’s still an imperfect solution because proper rigging has to be done manually (by painting vertex weights).

    Another alternative you could try for your case is to use the Shrinkwrap Modifier on the clothes, which can work decently on tight clothes which stick to the body.

    Also, I would suggest you read the documentation to understand better how the addon works. It’s quite well written too. You can find it here:

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