Can not import any FACS units with default Genesis 8.1 female

Issue #350 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I just hope to see how add on manage FACS morphs ,then test with default Genesis 8.1 female without attach any clothing, and no HD.

But I could not import any FACS morphs, simply because it not show any checkbox dialogue when I click import FACS unit with select main rig.

Add on not show any UI to select those morphs and blender simply ignored the action.

I only get console log “Character Genesis8-female does not support feature Facs

But I actually export genesis8.1 female. to confirm, I can check mesh name, id, it is Genesis8.1 (of couse the import scene can change FACS morph values in DS)

If add on use the mesh type to import FACS morphs, mesh type still show genesis8 . (so add on miss understand or you happend to not add new mesh type?)

I test with blender 2.91 and 2.93 both show same issue. (so I can not check FACS morphs at all ^^;)

Comments (9)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The plugin determines the mesh type based on the mesh topology. Well, actually it only uses the number of vertices, edges and faces. Since G8F and G8.1F have the same topology, it cannot distinguish between the two. But the FACS morphs can be imported to old G8F characters too, even if DAZ says they can’t.

    Are you sure that all files have been updated, including the json files in the data directory. If data/paths/genesis8-female.json is not updated you should get that error.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You can check the character type with the Utilities/Get Fingerprint button. If the Character field is not blank the plugin recognizes the mesh.

  3. engetudouiti reporter


    I only use auto up-date, in blender add on user preferences. then usually up-date (manuall) daz script too.

    but auto-update seems not update any files about (blender add on directory/import daz/data/paths

    all json files in the directory date 2020/11/14

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    I think the auto-update seems cause issue to up-date those data file. I actually seems miss up-date those files with auto-up-dater.

    I may once delete plug in. (recently I do not use Git to import ) then try again import new. and check how it work.

    (I do not remeber if I had edit auto-updater setting before,,,)

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas to download this add on beta versions, is there any zip link which keep add on package name as import_daz ?

    if I download by Bitbucket left menu Donwloads, it basically offer this plug in package but root folda name change.

    I suppose to use your module function, I need to keep root directory name. (though I can manually change it ^^;)

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    OK OK.. it seems auto-updater problem. I needed to clean un-install and manually download zip. Do you confirm auto-update could up-date those json files too?

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks now it worked, I colose this. then Thomas you may better check each file actually imported with FACT Units. I think all facs_cbs (corrective morpsh) morphs not imported correctly. (I could confirm with compare daz studio) I may report in #346

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