Auto up-date can not up-date add on /data/ json files (Caution for user to up-date)

Issue #352 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I remove add on, then re-import as zip (use Download of Bitbucket ) to clean up-date yesterday. Then I up-date add on for recent commit, it change genesis 8 json file. but I could confirm, auto-updater not update them, but remain as which I installed as zip.

So I suppose if user use auto-updater, without zip version is different from current add on, auto-up-dater setting files, user add on data json files may not up-date correctly.

I tried to read doc and change setting etc, but difficulity is even though I cahge setting to get all up-date, when I test up-date add on, it overwrite the auto up-date add on setting file too. (so I do not find good way to test it ^^;)

If you manually download or use Git to up-date beta there is no problem , but if you simply use up-dater (blender preference) to up-date this add on,, you may not up-date necesasry json files correctly

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Personally I’d remove auto-update entirely. It seems an unnecessary complication to me the plugin is very easy to install by hand. But this is just my opinion of course.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    I suppose If we can set-up setting file correctly, Auto- updater is very easy way to up-date frequently change add on. (like this beta version up-date). actually many famous non-free add on come with Auto-updater .

    At same time, if this problem happen for all user, I may recommend untill we get stable set-up, it may better to temporally hide auto-up-date. because if it not up-date data json, it must cause issue. to add on work correctly. I could confirm this problem when I up-date by zip yesterday, then now I only use git (which I had used long time) to up-date.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    At current I suppose add on not use auto-updater as default, so I close this . (do not know, if there is still user who keep to use up-dater for this add on though)

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