Just question about drive rest bone center-point with shape key morphing

Issue #367 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I do not check it carefully, but only read commits subjects, then at current when it may effect?

it means, when import FACS morphs, it may try to adjust center-point, if those value are discribed in dsf. or it may effect for custom morph too?

as my opinion, if it can be used for all import custom morphs, (shape key type morph + adjust rest bone transform) it may useful too. (though I do not expect much it work as you thought,, ) or at current it is just experimental,, and not work?

I do not means, I hope to use it to import many character FBM (like AIko or Vic or etc) but hope to test some shape adjust morph, even though it not count orientation,, many of them may improve (if it actually work) for shape detail adjust morphs. (or add some variation… for shape )

Comments (6)

  1. Xin

    I agree, if it’s not too much of a hassle for Thomas. Having the ability to import morphs that move Edit bones would be convenient.

    It’s not really a huge problem since you can always set up the Edit bones morphs in daz before exporting. It would be quite bizarre to animate Edit bones morphs, so they aren’t really needed once you are done with the initial set up. But it never hurts to support them in Blender.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    I see it is not huge problem for FBM PBM or any character related morphs, which we can bake and export. it must work (already baked)

    but about pose relate morphs it may have more meaning. I suppose Thomas felt it might need when he check FACS morph relation(ERC)

    Because Most of FACS offer shape key morphs include those edit-bone (rest bone) transform. (if it work we can use same thing for G3 expression morphs or any morph which may use to correct current shape)

    Of course untill Thomas tried it, I simply ignore those edit bone transform, but it means, when we use one controller, and next rotate some bones, the center point are moved in daz.. so next pose defomation change hard. (it is same, when we actually edit , in blender edit mode, bone head location, then see difference before and after.

    Then even though it not work for FBM or PBM (they can be baked when import), if the morph are for bone pose related, the progress have meaning. (so now we can use true edit bone position for next bone rotation, with current posed shape)

    Yes it is quite bizzare, but about daz it work, and actually it often used for most of morphs, because vendor like it , (use auto adjust with morph value, + ERC freeze, then attach those delta edit bone transform for their shape key product morphs)

    And anyway I hope to ask more detail of current status and progress. because Thomas may not talk many about experimental things. ^^; so do not know clear, it is disabled or already work somehow from reply in FACS topic. If it already work without strange thing in 3d view when we use those controller, , I hope to test with G3 custom morphs. adjust breast around shape like bra or corset deform. actually they may better work, if it auto adjust “breast bone pivot “too.. (at current I can not make it so in blender. so edit bone not move but just change breast shape. more high and tight)

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    OK with check recent commit, I suppose you already include it to import custom morphs, I may test with most simple case custom morph dsf.

    (pectoral bone (not connected) and just move it rest pose (pivot) with morph vertex). if it work well It is huge imporvement for me. though do not think it work for connected bone or, with complex hieralchy rig which import many pose controller + drv bones.

    for pectoral or most child bone (which not connected) may work well (and most of facial bone made so)😁 (but if it may work well, I may ask you add it to bone roll too… I may need not concern about end point , but twist orientation of bone is important.. = blender edito bone roll) as same as you solved it for import rig already.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The short answer is that it doesn’t seem to work, and the feature has been disabled completely. Maybe the experiment will be resumed in the future, but for now I would like to stop adding new features and focus on a stable release. This should be a good time to do it, because I am not aware of any serious bugs, and the docs are almost up-to-date with the development version. Besides, this experiment was probably misguided from the start, since it moved bones in pose mode.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    I see.😅 yes I actuallly miss understand how you try to improve it. (I do not thnk we can directly drive edit bone,, so you seems test way which you mentioned before,, ? (import shape keys which adjust defomation of difference, with use drive pose bone,,) anyway I actually too excited to see your commit discription, but not believe it may work ^^; I really surprised you challenge this issue though..

    Anyway I thinkg it was really interesing challenge thanks your effort. (Though I am not man request it,, if someone miss understand I ask it thomas^^; I just request Facs ERC stage thihgs, not include rest bone transform morphing)

    And I actually need some detail document, for recent up-dates about HD things etc.. (not follow those carefully) I believe, at current import custom morphs can import more complex morphs than before.. so may test those with daz product and may wait quietly untill you release stable version with complete guide, (there seems some old infomation,,about HD morph things etc,,)

    (though now I have heavy concern about bake Vector displacement and use it to HD morphs, (in blender or use another tool which we can get as free), but no time to talking about it…. may only report if find new clear bug. thanks all users and Thomas.

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