Sample Unreal Live Link .CSV file for use to integrate.

Issue #369 resolved
CookItOff created an issue

Curious if the Data from Unreal’s Live Link and the iPhone could be used with this add-on like with Face Cap?

Live Link is a free app and uses 61 Blend shapes (10 extra added to enhance the facial movements) and records at 30 and 60fps. it also records a video file for reference. Live Link uses a CSV file format.

Here is a sample file I recorded using Live Link, it’s in the CSV format straight from my phone.

I saw that .csv can be converted to .txt files through python but I do not have those skills. 🙂

It also records a small .json file which basically shows the time code. I’ll send that if needed.

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    A csv file is just a text file where the columns are separated by commas, so reading them is straightforward. The plugin can now import the kind of text file you provided. The assumption that the last nine columns describe the head and eye rotations is hardcoded, so files where this is not case will break the importer.

    The Import Live Link (is that a good name?) button doesnt have an option for the frame rate, because it seems that only integer frames are recorded.

    I’m unsure if the head and eye rotations are correct, but at least the eyes look roughly in the right direction in your example file.

  2. CookItOff reporter

    Wow! That was quick, and Live Link works amazingly well with your add-on.

    Face movements are considerably more natural mostly in the cheeks and mouth area… you can even see the ears deforming with larger mouth movements.

    FYI it’s looks like its recording 60fps for the amount of frame it’s spitting out vs time. When I play back at 60 it’s spot on.

    Yeah, I think Live Link would be the proper name for the button since it’s officially called “Unreal Live Link.”

    The file I sent you, I noticed I didn't have the option for head movements turned on so I’m uploading another just incase you want to play with it. Head movements are working with your first version.

    Amazing work Thomas!

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