Viewport visiblity option (skin = default) with gloval setting cloth random not work?

Issue #376 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

It is a little issue, but when I set global setting clothing color = random,

it not only change clothing material as random, but set each surfaces of all meshes and character (not grafted item ) as random color in viewport too.

So ideally, if you can add option, random only effect the clothing mat. not effect character skin material group like this,

At same time to clear see all imported mesh surface group as different color is actually useful.. but about this case I simply hope to see how clothing color = random work with add on global setting,, so not expect it work for character skin too.. it is not heavy issue though..

(eg most useful option should be,, not change color with each material but change with each object, may offer more useful setting which user may hope to use,,,but I do not know blender setting (it introduced with 2.8?) may forgive it or not..

(at least when I check the viewport shading option, there seems no way,, to set color as I like when I use random. though I can change random for object, or random for material )


I see it seems after all controlled by blender viewport shading options which I set too, so I may keep default (can not expect it can set as we like by importer setting) if Thomas can nof find way, to set color as I mentioned. (skin , import setting color), other object use random ,, free to close this topic. I just miss understand option behavor for import option and global setting.

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I was going to say no to this request, but then I noticed that the code already existed, so I must have thought that it was a good idea once. The main purpose of the random option (which I really haven’t used for a very long time) is to visualize the material boundaries, and for that purpose there is really no difference between the body and the clothes materials.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    I guess what engetudouiti was asking for is to set one random color per object, instead of one random color per material. Also the popup says “random colors for each object” so may be “random colors for each material” would be better if this is what’s intended.

    edit. Then may be the “random colors per object” may just enhance the “guess” option that only gets one brown color for hair and clothing, that would be almost the same as “random clothing” but with one color per object.

    Personally I’m fine with the actual color options, these are just notes if engetudouiti or you Thomas may like them.

    1. original (daz diffuse color)
    2. guess (guess colors for the figure and random colors per object)
    3. random (random colors per material)

    or also

    1. original (daz diffuse color)
    2. guess (guess colors by material name, may be with some more random variation when we can’t guess)
    3. random per object (random colors per object, may be with pink for the figure)
    4. random per material (random colors per material, may be with pink variations for the figure)

    edit. Then the blender viewport already provides options too, for example the random option seems a good “random per object”. So may be we don’t even need any option in the plugin, that is, let it always at “original”, since the viewport shading provides a good option range already with “material”, “random” and “texture”. Where the viewport “material” option is the same as the daz smooth shaded, and the viewport “texture” option is the same as the daz texture shaded.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Since the random clothes option did not do what was requested, it has been removed again. The hint for the random option has been change to make it clear that the color is random per material, not per object.

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    I know I can set it from viewport shading 2.8 options. but it is perfeclty random. so we can not choose color for skin I tried , after apply with random, then only set color for skin, (unfortunately it not work.. when you set it as random, blender force user to keep current random color. )

    So I can not change color as view port color in property panel.

    Only way to set color as I mentioned, use OBJECT and apply each color as view port color manually.

    Ideally, I hope to use skin color which add on default for actor mesh, then auto set color for each clothing.

    But I actually thinking close this topic. maybe it is good chance ,to confirm how each option work . I may not hope you take time about this issue. (I just miss understand add on behavor..)

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