Error: recursion too deep

Issue #384 closed
garden created an issue

I am trying to import these morphs, all morphs named "assist" and "smoother" give the error "Error: recursion too deep".
In daz, I see that they depend on each other.

If I load all the morphs with this error, and then the ones without the error, then it seems that some morphs work correctly (depend on each other), but it seems not all.

Maybe someone can somehow merge them all into one morph instead of these dependencies or make them work (dependencies) just like in daz.

Right now, I just don't add morphs named "assist" and "smoother".

Comments (8)

  1. garden reporter

    Or make sure that the plugin does not add morphs with errors.
    Because if I select all the morphs now, it will load one with an error and stop. Then I have to load each morph manually separately, because I will run into errors and the import will stop.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, the plugin now continues after the recursion error, and lists the problematic morphs after the loading of all morphs has been completed.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I added an option to Import Custom Morphs which allow you to change the max recursion depth. For other morphs the max depth is hard-coded to 5, which is more than enough for all standard morphs.

  4. garden reporter

    Hello. The problem still remains.

    1. There seems to be no recursion in these morphs, they just depend on the main morph (I may be wrong).
    2. After adding morphs, they are displayed in Shape Keys (blender interface), but there are no sliders in the Daz Importer tab. And so they can't be activated, because the drivers access the sliders from the Data Importer tab, and there aren't any.

  5. garden reporter

    And is it possible for the slider constraints from Daz Importer to be assigned from Shape Keys?

    In Daz, I often removed restrictions from the morph sliders. Here I can remove the constraints from Shape Keys, but the slider from Daz Importer that controls Shape Keys still has the initial constraints.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It sounds like the shapekey is driven by bone rotations, i.e. as a JCM. This happens if both Prop and Bone Drivers are enabled. This is the default, but it can be confusing. Therefore those options are changed in the latest commit. Now there is only a single enum option which controls the generated driver type. The new default is “Slider”, which corresponds to the old Prop Drivers enabled and Bone Drivers disabled.

  7. garden reporter

    So what about the previous comment.
    In the current build, if I import all the morphs, they are imported in Shape Keys, but they are not in Custom Morphs (DAZ Importer).

    Need to not load these morphs at all (are you sure that there is any recursion at all?), or make their sliders also be created in Custom Morphs (DAZ Importer). Because they are added but not used because they are bound to the Custom Morphs (DAZ Importer) sliders, and they are not created.

    As for the restrictions of the sliders, let me create a new topic, I shouldn't have written a question about them here.

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