HD Addon by Xin and the new morph system

Issue #386 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

I’m testing the addon by Xin for HD figures #357. I noticed that when importing the JCM dsf as custom morphs, the afraid expression doesn’t get drivers. This happened both with G8M and G8F.


  1. import G8F
  2. import expressions
  3. import the JCM dsf as custom morphs

Comments (11)

  1. Xin

    This is because the afraid eJCM .dsf doesn’t have the “formula” that makes the eCTRL .dsf drive the eJCM .dsf.

    The formula in this case, for some odd reason, is in the eCTRL .dsf, which was already imported with the “Import Expressions” button.

    A workaround I found is to import both at the same time with “Import Custom Morphs”, and select “both” in the drivers options (use the latest commit that changed the UI).

    This way the Expression no longer appears in the Expressions panel, but in the Custom panel at the bottom. Also, you get another rig property that is just an alias for the Shape Key, so it serves no purpose.

    Maybe Thomas could explain a cleaner way,

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Thank you Xin for the fast workaround.

    Thomas, please let us know if you want to fix this some way, or if the workaround by Xin is the recommended way. So I’ll mark as resolved.

  3. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Thomas, Xin, this is resolved with commit 57a5663, now all the expressions get drivers.

    But, I also get a warning, that I guess it means some expressions need to morph the armature. Are you sure about this ? I mean, I get the warning with every expression and I see no reason why an expression should morph the armature. Morphing the armature is something expected with actor morphs, not with pose controls.


    1. import G8F
    2. import expressions

    edit. Also there’s something odd with the afraid expression. It is loaded two times in the expressions panel, both with and without div2.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The warning is suppressed if the global verbosity is at the default value 2. It means that somewhere a formula for the center_point or end_point was found. This happens e.g. for the FACS brow morphs.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Strange that you get two Afraid sliders, I thought I had fixed that. Did you import both morphs at the same time? I’m not at home now and cannot check until tonight.

  6. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Thank you Thomas for the explanation. So the FACS do morph the armature ? I’m not into daz rigging, but I’d expect a face expression to change the bone position or scale, that can be done in animation, not to change the armature rest pose. If it is then it’s so weird and I wonder if it could be converted into regular bone animation.

    edit. Anyway I didn’t import the FACS, but the standard expressions, don’t know it this makes a difference.

    As for afraid, I first tested afraid with div2, then afraid alone. It is imported twice in both cases. The other expressions seem to work fine, so it's something specific to afraid.

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The double sliders should be gone now. Although in some cases you may want access to the shapekey directly. The global option Load Hidden Morphs adds a slider even if the morph is hidden, as is the case for the shapekey morphs.

  8. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Thomas, As for the afraid slider commit 93c07e4 works fine.

    As for the warning message I get it even when importing visemes. Are you sure it refers to the rest pose, rather than a simple bone pose ? I mean, the rest pose is what we use when binding ik, then the bone pose is relative to the rest pose. I find it so weird that every face expression tries to change the rest pose that’s hard to believe.

  9. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    marking as resolved since it doesn't seem there are issues with face expressions, or the rest pose, despite the warning message

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