Problem with the eyes of Daz3D characters

Issue #394 resolved
MRC Walker created an issue

Hi! So the situation is that I'm using the latest development version of Daz Importer and the characters are loading into Blender with their eyes reflecting the HDRI map of the scene. I'm using BSDF maps and the engine is on eevee. In previous versions it loaded with no problems, so does anyone have any idea what it might be?

Comments (11)

  1. Xin

    That’s the screen space refraction setting for the material being disabled (you also need to enable Screen Space Refractions in Eevee settings). Once you enable them it should work fine.

    As an alternative, go to Global Settings and make sure BSDF is selected for Refraction. That method shouldn’t be using Screen Space refractions so it should work.

  2. MRC Walker reporter

    Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately I already have this both options enabled and the problem still remains.

  3. Xin

    Can you delete everything but 1 eye and send it in a .blend ? make sure to purge everything before, by going to File → Clean Up → Purge All . Keep pressing that until you get 0 purges.

  4. MRC Walker reporter

    I tried again what you said and found an option in the materials section that had Screen Space Refraction disabled. Then I activated only for Cornea and Eye Moisture and it did the trick. The weird is that I never had to touch this option before, but anyway, thank you very much for helping :)

  5. Xin

    There is a problem If you really imported the character while the global setting BSDF was enabled for refraction. Then Screen Space Refractions shouldn’t be used for refraction. That methods uses Alpha Blending for refraction.

  6. Xin

    I can confirm the problem. The custom nodes used for refraction on the eye surfaces that should have Thin Wall set to 1 have it set to 0. This is a bug.

    Try with g8 male for example.

  7. MRC Walker reporter

    Yep, that's right. The character in the images is the G8.1M, except for the first one that was using Michael 8.1 materials, but I tried it now with the G8M and the same thing happens. I think it might be something related to the most recents development versions, because I spent several weeks using the same development version and just when I decided to update yesterday to the most recent one that this happened.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The thin wall value should be fixed now. It was overwritten by some option that I don’t remember what is was good for. Well, evidently it wasn’t good.

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