Batch/Bulk Import suggestion

Issue #395 resolved
Lee John created an issue

An option to import batch duf’s would make tedious imports faster, for example zero props which take forever to import 1 by 1.

Comments (10)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Hm. I can’t say that I understand this request. What is a zero prop? You can put many props in your daz scene, then all are imported with the scene. But clearly you mean something else.

    Vaguely related, but not the same I think, is the new easy import tool, which imports a character and does the most common operations on it in one go. See

  2. Lee John reporter

    Well, my idea was more so geared towards props. Say if you wanted to import an environment that had a lot of props (chairs, lamps, clocks or whatever) in separate dufs, If there was a batch import it would automatically import each duf into a separate collection rather than importing each duf 1 at a time.

  3. Noname

    I “run” into that “issue” also. The use case was importing props and i.e. creating custom set from them. It get little tedious, but if there is an easy way to implement it then +1 from Me, if not then don’t waste time on it IMHO :).

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, I guess they mean a batch converter to convert every duf file in a folder into an equivalent blend file. This is hard to do for figures but may be fine for props. And the batch converter could also treat figures as props for the purpose of batch converting. That is, this could be a known limitation.

    In this case I’d also suggest to use absolute path names so the blend files can be moved and they reference the daz textures anyway.

  5. Lee John reporter

    I was thinking they would import as individual collections rather than separate blend files. That way you could for example, import a modular furniture set into a blend library you can link collections from. I usually import 1 duf at a time, but this would be a nice have when dealing with many props.


    1280 × 720

    804 × 704

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, I understand how that can be useful. You could create the scene in DS and import the set into Blender, but it may be simpler to skip DS altogether and do everything in Blender. Just opening DS can be a major pain if the database is large.

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The Import DAZ tool can now load multiple files. Easy import is only for a single file, however. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to import several characters at once, but several props seems like a good idea.

    This lead to some code rearrangements, which may have broken things. However, I did test with easy import which runs a large part of the code without problems.

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