The Triumph expression looks crazy after importing with the new morph system.

Issue #405 resolved
东方夕惕 created an issue

I’ve read the newest blog and tried the new morph system. I import the Triumph expression, but the result looks weird.

Comments (19)

  1. 东方夕惕 reporter

    I’ve tried the latest commit, but the issue still exist. I don’t know why the blog’s example looks right, but my test looks so weird.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Is it triumph only ? I mean, do all the other expressions work fine for you ? For example afraid and angry that come with the base pack work fine for me.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Should work now. The problem manifested itself differently in your file than in mine, but I had it too, it was just too small to be visible. Don’t understand the reason for this difference, but anyway it seems to be gone now.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, it seems there’s another issue. I can’t import the surprise expression in the base pack. That is, there’s the div2 driver but I don’t get the expression slider.


    1. import G8F
    2. import expressions

    edit. oops .. too fast, going to check the latest commit

    edit. As for commit ddcdf08 I can confirm that surprise doesn’t work.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Surprise/Surprised is the only expression where the ejcm comes before ectrl in lexical order. The slider is there if you turn on Load Hidden Morphs. Apparently the ejcm file hides the ectrl slider otherwise.

  6. 东方夕惕 reporter

    My file’s scene unit scale is 0.001 and the unit scale in global settings is 10. Maybe those settings cause the difference, I guess. But anyway the Triumph expression works fine now, thank you!

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, so do we have to always load hidden morphs to get the sliders ? If so the option should be checked by default. Or do you plan a fix for this ? And what is hidden morphs intended for anyway ? I see it’s in the debug section so I guess it’s not intended for the user.

    Below it is what I get with hidden morphs.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Alessandro, you should definitely not need to load hidden morphs once all bugs have been ironed out. That’s why it is listed as a debug option, something that the user would normally not need to change. However, if you are loading hidden morphs, they are enclosed in brackets to show that they are hidden.

    The name of that option has to change. Hidden morphs are always loaded, the option controls whether you create sliders for them.

    Anyway, I think the problem is gone in the latest commit.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, thank you for the explanation. Commit caf6d0d works fine here with all the face expressions, including the div2 HD base morphs. To me we can mark as resolved.

  10. 东方夕惕 reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani Because my scene unit scale is 0.001, which means 1 unit is 1 mm. I have to set add-on’s global unit scale to 10 to import Daz character as real world size. The reason why I set the blender scene unit scale to 0.001 is that I need to simulate small rigid body objects, which is more stable than default unit scale.

  11. 东方夕惕 reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani

    There are two blend files you can play with. One’s scene unit scale is 1, another is 0.001. I’ve set up rigid body properties. On my computer, 0.001 works fine, 1 even can not simulate, once you click bake, blender will not responding.

  12. Alessandro Padovani

    @东方夕惕 I see, this is a limit specific to rigid bodies that honestly I never used. Thank you for the unit scale trick, I’ll keep it in my toolbox. Though I fear you’re actually taking advantage of a flaw may be.

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