Eye Reflections on all my characters

Issue #417 closed
Marcelo Caparoz created an issue

Please, all my characters still reflections on eyes, how to solve it?

Comments (6)

  1. Chris R

    You most likely forgot to enable “Screen Space Reflections” and subsequent “Refraction” in your Eevee render settings.

  2. Xin

    Try selecting BSDF method in Global Settings. For that method, you don’t need Screen Space Refraction (which has some limitations).

  3. Marcelo Caparoz reporter

    Hi Xin,

    It’s Already in BSDF, now i changed to:

    • Method: Principled
    • Refraction: Second Principed
    • In Iris Material, Alpha to 0
    • Cornea: Blend Mode: Alpha Blend
    • EyeMoisture: Blend Mode: Alpha Blend

    EyeSocket: i’m trying yet 🙂

    But thanks, your comment made me explore more options.

    In the first image, it is how it was with the new settings in Principled.
    The eyes are 90% resolved, but the hair…. a lot of transparency was applied, in photo 2, rendered in cycles, despite the difference, the hair is much more realistic, alias all hair, beard, eyebrow are also more realistic. but the eyelashes on both have a lot of transparency, they even disappear.
    Image 3 I joined cycles' hair with the rest of eevee in photoshop, that's how I would like to have my results.

    But talking about the eyes again, the pupil in eevee is transparent, so I will do Alpha, but in Cycles it was like this.

    Anyway, I had a breakthrough, I will continue the tests!

    Tips are welcome.

    Thomas, if I understand correctly, changing the settings in Globals will only result in the next import, right?
    But if I already have the character posed and animated, and just want to switch from BSDF to Principled?
    It would be nice to be able to do that, perhaps reimporting the character, but by checking a checkbox where he would not bring the meshes, only the materials. if I changed the material in daz, it brings only the materials changes, and reapplies it to the model that is already on the scene, or change from BSDF to Principled and reconstruct material. and so I can choose new settings, without having to start the positioning, animation and other things that I have already started again. what do you think?

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