Import custom morph (custom PBM + edit bone change) do not show UI slider with Verbosity 3

Issue #420 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I remove old infomation. To report this problem.

Add on can show info massage when user import custom morph which change rest pose. It only show info when user set global setting verbosity level more than 3. I usually keep it as 3 (to test recent morph system work)

I think for normal user, the info still useful. so user know the morph adjust edit bone in daz, but in blender it only import shape keys without adjust rig. (so it depned user, they still import it or not)

But when I set verbosity level as 3, then import those custom morph, add on not generate slider correctly.

To test it,

import default genesis3 (or genesis8 may show same issue) with easy mode. (but not import any custom morph)

then import some PHM which change face shape . like PHMBrowWidth. as custom morph.

Add on show info “it include morph to change rest pose” , then generate prop and shape keys, but add on seems pass to generate slider (or custom morph section in UI), then fail to generate slider without erroer.

If I set verbosity level as 2 or 1, the info not shown, then add on generate Custom morph section.

Comments (16)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    I now confirm the driver error not related with import morphs (but some JCM seems generate failed expression I suppose)

    The main problem is, when I import custom morphs, (now I could find raw custom prop too, so If I change value in cusom property section, it now drive shape key, (and fin props) )but it not generate any UI slider. and category.

    I try both option (easy import, and manually import morphs by one from scratch) but I can not find custom morph slider of those new import morphs.

    The log seems not generate any error about this issue.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The driver error seems to arise because the driver expression runs out of letters. In several drivers the variable name is “x”, but additional variables are not supposed to be added to those drivers. I changed the variable name from “x” to “a” in two places. If this was the problem, you will be able to add 26 driver variables before you go beyond “z”. This will of course happen at some point, but not today.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Standard JCMs also create a number of properties that are not displayed in the UI. BaseFlexions and JCMs On are forced to one, because otherwise some JCMs don’t work, but there should be some way to access these properties.

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    I need to confirm what you means,, but at current I feel the erroer may not relate with this custom morph issue.

    (the erroer already be shown when I import G3 basic jcms, so it seems not relate with my custom morphs I suppose,but anyway check again later.)

    The problem is, now import custom morphs show some unique behavor (kind of bug)

    eg ,, if I import pose controlelr type morph first, it can generate those controller as custom morph section.

    but if I import shape key type morph first, add on not generate those morph controller as UI custom morph section. (but raw slider props are already generated as custom prop with driver and shape key)

    Then if I keep scene, and I import custom morph which control pose bone, now add on suddenly generate UI slider about morpsh which I imported as shape key controller before.

    So as my view, when I import pose bone controlelr type custom morph once, after that it generate UI slider (or up-date and show the slider as UI) about shape key morph slider too.

    but if I do not import pose bone controller, howmany times I import shape key type morphs, add on never generate UI slider as csutom morphs.

    All test morphs are my original one for G3, so if you need to test it,, I may attach these 2 file and you locate it in different morph directory, and import for blender Genesis3 please. (I suppose even though we change morph directory, about custom morph, add on can generate morphs correctly)

    1. shape key type morphs (it not generate custom morph section slider)
    2. pose controll (facial only) type morph (after import these, 1 show category and slider)

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes it is actually strange ^^; eg now I try to import some custom morphs (shape key morphs) with rig prop, keep category as “shape”

    In UI I have no custom morph, and “shape” category. .but I suspect,, it seems up-date issue,, then I try to use advance option, like “Remove Category”,, add on show those morph and “shape category” as selectable.

    or if I click “Remove custom morphs” add on show those shape key morphs (but no slider as user controll)

    like this,, you may clear understand what I means..

    UI morph section,, I have no slider because to test it, I do not import any morph at current but just import shape key custom morphs. (which shown above pic)

    Then now I import pose controller type custom morph (pose face rig)

    suddenly add on generate all slider, correctly (include shape key slider and category) btw if I set same category without intention, some case, already imported morphs seems auto over-write with this version.. so I must need to set category correctly for each morph set I suppose.

    I think there should be easy way to solve this issue as blender command, but I can not find it,, and your offered advance options not solve this issue. (so only way I found is actually I import pose controller type custom morphs, then it suddenly generate all sider, which have not be shown before.

    ant custom morphs are perfeclty divided, from basic morphs, so even though I import all base morphs, this problem happened for me.

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    If Thomas still not clear, what happend,, try attached morphs.

    in 7z, it include shape type and pose type morph as different sub directory.. so you may test with those.

    if you import shape type morph, you may not see any slider for morph section. (as lteast as my side, it not generate slider, (but custom property only)

    then import pose type morph, you may see suddenly all slider will be shown. as Custom morph >category

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    I found once generate custom morph group (eg.. just add new shape key, then use advance option, atach rig driver for mesh shape key) it generate custom morph group.), now add on can import custom shape key type morph dsf without problem. but untill generate custom morph group, it never generate morph slider for imported morph.dsf (shape key type ) the trigger seems, there is already custom morph group or not. I feel.

    add on seems try to generate UI slider, in custom morph section with group, but when there is no custom group, add on pass it.. (it only happen when import shape key type morphs as import custom morph)

  8. engetudouiti reporter

    And with some case, close and open category seems break UI.. Open all category for custom morph, now only show one category for me… (though I can still open each category individually)

    I suppose some UI issue are remain, After you solve current one, I may report other related issue (it is not so heavy issue though), which I found ,, about morph options. (some UI update function seems cause this issue)

  9. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas, the error log now disappear with your new commit thanks. but no UI slider for import shape key type morph (only move vertex, not change bone) still remain.

    To test easy,, after load daz scene duf without easy mode, then simply import any shape key type morph. as import custom morph. (you may have some PBM change body shape)

    you may see, add on can import shape keys and custom property, but not generate any UI slider as custom morph.

  10. engetudouiti reporter

    I afraid if Thomas still not notice this issue. Can you confirm this?

    you can not generate any UI slider for simple shape key type custom morphs as with default setting untill you import pose controller type custom morphs.

    eg you can not generate any G3 naval shape morph slider when you import those PBM . (Custom props of each morphs are actually generated but not generate UI layout prop slider for some strange reason…)

  11. engetudouiti reporter

    Ah OK I finally found reason why it happen.

    it seems error handling (or info). when I import shape key morph which drive edit-bone. Though I usually only import custom hand-made morphs which adjust shape detail, but when I made them I usually include ERC which drive edit bone with auto adjust rig (in daz studio)

    Then when I import those shape key morphs, plug in show info, “Found morphs That change rest pose!!” with global verbosity setting (I set as 3)

    after show this info, Add on seems miss generate custom morph group.then do not generate UI slider for morphs.

    I test with many morphs, then if it not include edit bone ERC, add on do not show this info. then generate custom morphs group and UI silider correctly.

    So if user set verbosity = 0, this aleart not show . then add on can generate slider without problem.


    why I found it,, when I import PBMnaval, actually add on could generate slider for PBMnaval so, I did not know why add on miss to generate slider for other same type PBM

    Then I found PBMnaval not include any edit bone ERC, then add on need not show info, then generate custom morph group > morph slider. Once generate custom morph section In UI, it return all morphs slider \,

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