Export poses

Issue #440 resolved
Cristian Salina created an issue


Could the addon have an “Export pose” in the future?

This feature would allow the user to export the current pose as a .duf file, similar to the “Save pose preset” daz has.

The problem with the current Pose Library in blender is that you can only save poses inside the blend file, which makes it awful to work with when you have different characters in different blend files. Moving poses from one blend file to another is very time consuming and not practical.

With this new feature, the user could choose the directory where to save the poses and have all their custom poses in a single location independently of the blend file and character.

Then they could import the pose using the “Import pose” button that already exists in the addon.

Let me know if a feature like that would be possible to add to the addon.


Comments (9)

  1. engetudouiti

    I made the add on for my purpose only, but expect as future Thomas make code clean and more reliable add on and include it in Daz improter as addon functions. Recently Daz importer introduce new morph sysutem, so there may be some function I need to up-date. but I test now it seems still work about pose.

    It not support animation at current, but same pose, morph, and both. export import as json. (with icon) like we save daz duf preset in daz studio.

    (it not use for daz, only work in blender)

    I may hope , after Thomas confirm , Daz importer beta stable,, if he can take time to add preset function for blender in Thomas add on.

    my private one include old functions to adjust rig, which Thomas already offer in recent versions. so you may only test preset functions. I approve Thomas offer it with his clean and reliable code. (like zip json etc)

    I think, most of new morph problem already solved, so now I plan to enhance my private add on to work with recent Daz importer. but actually I hope Thomas made preset system (it should be more reliable) ^^;

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Saving a pose preset in a Daz format is beyond the scope of this addon. However, a tool that saves the current pose as a custom json file already existed, although it was hidden in the UI. This tool is used internally to generate the data files that contain rest poses for different Daz characters, which are necessary to convert poses between different characters. So I improved these tools a little and made them public.

    Two new buttons are found in the Pose panel: Save Pose and Load Pose. The options should be rather self-explanatory. Poses seem to be converted correctly across generations, but only if the bone names are the same. At least I could save a G8F pose and load it to a G3F character.

  3. engetudouiti

    I see. I really surprised your new commit and know you already made it... I hope to use auto daz generation conversion (I did not make auto conversion for different generation but it should be useful).. Then I suppose Thomas may use the tool when you actually pray with your importer,, so even though it is out-of scope for daz importer,,,, hope if you gradually improve your pose tool (eg as separate add on which you offered .) (I mainly use them for converted rig)

    one think I feel y save pose controller = morph value with save bone pose may enhance the preset tool. even though I use pose library, they never store morph value. so only set key is way to save current morph values . (so I added save both at same time for custom version) . I apreciate if you offer the add on as separate one ^^;

    (so I can request ,etc,,)

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Well, after some more thought, I don’t think it is a good idea to try to mix an internal tool with something public and slightly different. The internal tool has poor performance because it needs to do a scene update after each bone has been posed, and it doesn’t handle animations. Instead I wrote a clean new tool which saves the current pose or f-curves, and another one that loads them. This will not work across Genesis generations, but that feels like overkill anyway.

    But after even more thought, I wonder if the whole effort is misguided. Why not just use bvh as a transfer format? There are built-in tools already available for that.

  5. engetudouiti

    Can we export only animation as bvh then retrun it in blender scene as Pose ? I did not think so… I have thought I may need to re-target bone with improted bvh rig..

    For OP request I suppose anyway we hope to get simple pose preset for blender... which can save pose file where we hope to gather . Then re-use them as we need. As same as we import daz dsf pose. Though if there is no option, we only use blender pose library. but (actually it is not so useful when check each pose and load. or we need to make poselibrary in each blend file… But I understand, it is out of scope of your plan about this add on. so what format you will use I may apreciate, if there is new add on which manage blender pose and daz morph as preset file (for any rig) .

  6. Cristian Salina reporter

    Wow! I didn’t expect my request to be addressed so quickly! Thanks to both of you.

    I tested the new buttons and they work fine. I imported a pose from daz (G3), made some changes and saved it as a json file. Then I loaded the json and it worked fine on G3 and a G8 model. I’m using the MHX rig btw.

    @engetudouiti Yes, I agree with you. I really wish Blender would address all these issues that seem so basic to have in an animation software. Even C4D (R23) has now a new Pose Library much better than Blender's.

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