Add option adjust Transfered driven shape key strength for clothing and hair

Issue #442 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

It somehow related with JCM slider. I hope to keep free control for most of driven shape keys when it need. Then transfered shape keys is one which I often hope to change strength as same as daz.w.

Many daz user not hesitate to controll auto-follow morphs strength, when they need. It is not On and OFF but adjust auto follow morphs strength with case by case. (so sometimes you perfectly remove auto-follow morph, sometimes you add more strength then deform hard about clothing, to avoid too tight fit and poke throguh around breast etc.

About this request, there are some ways to make it possible. So I do not request the way how to achive it.

If I manually try to make it work,, I may add switch which temporally hide driver for clothing shape keys (on and off switch) as each mesh property.. (Like auto follow OF and ON) when I select each mesh.. .

Or add new mesh object property , which will be added or multipled the transfered shape key driver expression, (they are already driven, so need to change expression to include new clothing morph props for each clothing.

I think it is not easy done, and may need to consider good UI, but anyway I hope if there is good way to manage those auto-driven shape keys (clothing) as same as we adjust auto-follow morphs in daz studio as future option.

Then it not means, stop auto-drive. but adjust driven value. as same as most of morph controller and shape keys of actor mesh.

this request is minor priority than usuall bugs but if it will be added daz importer user should like it I suppose.

Comments (12)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The Transfer Shapekeys button now has a new option: Strength Multiplier. If enabled, the driving expression is multiplied with the value of the mesh object property “Daz Morph Strength”. This should do what you requested.

    Then we can discuss the naming convention. You talk about auto follow. If that what this is called in DS, then the name in Blender should resemble that. Also the UI is not good, or actually non-existent. You have to look for the property in the general list of custom properties for the mesh.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, now with a better UI. The slider name was changed to Morph Auto Follow, and it appears in the Mesh Shape Keys panel, which we previously used for some custom morphs.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Really thanks, as I said I have no design how it should be, anyway hope controller for auto follow morphs.

    Yes the name is actually Auto follow morphs. (we may often mix,, “auto transfer” or “auto follow” or auto fit etc, I suppose I miss use sometimes too)

    Then if vendor offer original morphs (which have same Auto follow morph name), the morph auto overwrite, the Auto follow morphs (if user not understand it, there may be some confusion, when we transfer morphs in add on(= we actually mimic what daz Auto follow do, as real shape key)

    Then after all , we adjust all Auto follow morphs of each mesh, (which transfered from fit to target mesh) by slider.

    I actually thought, which is more useful,, multiple slider or raw add slider (daz do) , I could not decide it. so if you offer as multiple slider, I approve it. both may have pro and con.

    One thing I may consider, , when auto follow morph strength is 0,, mutliple slider can not add auto follow morph for mesh, as easy adjuster

    The technic is often used, for tight fit mesh. (you dial up moprh for body, it will be auto-followed,, after that return it as zero for body,, then controll auto follow morph strength for mesh.. , there are some daz clohting adjuster which only use the cheat technic) but multiple slider may easy to use..

    real case..

    You set FBMfat for actor.. then we may transfer it for clothing, which use layered costume.

    In daz we can set FBMfat as zero for Actor body, at same time can adjust FBMfat as 0.05 etc to expand slightly for the shat. with keep ERC relation.

    then FBM fat = 0.1 ,, the shat auto follow FBM fat may change as 0.15… if we only have multiple slider, but keep driver as same as before,

    we can not set FBMfat as 0.05, for clothing, when actor FBM is 0.00 (because it is only used to expand clothing)

    or even though I add small value FBM 0.01,, to get 0.05 effect for clothing, it need to set 5 as multiple slider…

    So I can not say,, multiple slider always win as adjuster… ^^;

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas the new commit is useful but I understand it is not what I means 😉

    you offer global adjuster for all auto follow morphs (aka blender add on transfer morphs) but what I menitoned is after all adjuster for each follow morphs.

    Maybe most of user may use transfer morphs when import JCM or flexion (case by case), then I hope to controll each auto-follow morph individually,

    but I know it is not so easy, as you did for actor JCM mesh. with raw prop. because each mesh not have raw or fin prop. So I said I have no request how you acrive it.

    I supposed you may not hope to add new many slider for UI..

    Ideally,, (as best of best if you can achieve all)

    I may hope to see show and hidden switch to show slider in UI, or perfectly remove them from UI with OFF. , about JCM and auto follow morphs for clothing (it include custom morph or JCM or PBM when they transfer morphs with driver) then as default, all morph shape keys can be adjustable as hidden>each category morphs.

    when user need. (we show hidden props, then adjust each category morphs. ( you kindly offer way for JCM with request already thanks, even though it bother user who do not hope to see those inner mechanic slider in UI (even though it can be closed as category, I understand, it is not so smart UI) , so I suppose if there is way, to do same thing for Auto follow morphs (all shape keys of each mesh which need to be driven with character morphs) with raw slider. (just add dleta)

    Of course, global multiple slider for all auto follow morphs of each mesh is useful, as same as JCM, or Flexion multipler, or EYE pose switch for g8.. but it is not offered by DAZ for auto-follow. So I may keep this topic, if there is another view about this issue . I suppose it should be useful, but not think it must need.. if user not transfer many morphs.

    If you can add those slider for auto follow morphs, we can do some neat way which we do in daz studio with use auto-follow morphs.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    Fortunately (I think so), you usually generate custom prop for rig. (it is your desgin) for shape keys of mesh. as one Actror rig set.

    then you sitll not add many custom props for each mesh, (they are only have props for info etc)

    So I may expect, if you can add raw prop for mesh, only when we transfer morph with driver option.

    About those auto-follow morph, I may not request you add UI slider, I may directly adjust row prop in auto follow morphs.

    (like transfered JCM or fexion or PBM ) then drive shape keys. It need to be adjusted for each mehs, so do not need to controll as rig property. I suppose.

    (and yes it is hidden auto-follow morphs, so only strange user may adjust it)

    if make it manually it should be like this.

    So I only test about few JCM of current costume, then do not know if it will cause heavy performance issue or not,, at least at current it seems work..

    but I understand, it should need more time to transfer morphs. (you need to generate raw prop, for each morph when transfer,, then need to change driver expresison.

    about this case, we do not need Fin props. (we do not have it as default for mesh).

    It is just idea, what I may expect.. as final (to get same function as daz for auto follow (blender auto transfer shape keys)

    I suppose maybe user may often use it than adjust actor JCM . (because auto follow morph often cause issue easy, but it need for many case)

    Then ideal UI should be,,, (if you will add those slider can be visible, with each mesh per for auto follow morphs) and about current JCM slider or slider which you may hope to hide for smart UI, we may have new advance option button, which show/hide,, the full category of hidden slider (at current JCM and flexion for character rig, and auto follow morphs will be added when user select each armature modifer set mesh. (when they have auto follow morphs, and it is driven)

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now there are separate sliders for each morph, so you can adjust them individually.

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks😂 I aplogize 、I did not mention what I need clear. (I did not expect much you add those so … )

    Separate slider It should be useful, I confirm . (will it still multiple slider? I hope separate sliders is raw (delta add) slider, , then we can add those auto follow morph, even though body morph = 0. (I hope to use it to import smooth clothing morph which only use to adjust auto follow morph, so if new slider is multipler, it never work,,)

  8. engetudouiti reporter

    Pleaaaase if you can change multiple as plus in driver expression for individual slider… 😪

    Yes it is perfectly my mistake,, I should tell you why it is more useful even though you do not think so…

    The problem of multiple silder is ,, it is OK for global adjust ment,, like on and off, or only weak or enhance currently applied auto follow morph.

    but it never offer real free adjustment for auto follow morphs with keep relation with body morph. You must need to set non zero value for body morphs.

    eg when body mesh PBM (custom morph etc) = 0, you can never change the auto follow morph value as non zero..

    so now I import kind of auto smoother morph PBM for body mesh,,, which deform hard body breast as if even … then it will be transfered for Tops or shirt.

    after that I can adjust transfer auto smoother morph for each clothing individually… (if you make it as delta slider so those product never use multipler for the purpose.. because it need to work even though body not used,, (only adjust auto folow morph as 1.00 or 0.5 etc,, to deform only clothing)

    or you may import some expand morph for body.. it wil lbe transfered.. then you may plan keep body not use the expand morph, but use for clothing. so we can fin adjust clothing, without adjust individual morphs. then if you plug up the morph for body morphs, all auto follow clothing keep the delta then fine expand at same time (plus you can still fine tune for each clothing, with layered)

    Of course I know best fit morph can make separately manually, or nice item should offer kind of shape morph, but the merit to adjust auto follow morph, we can effectively use all morphs when it need. (so if you keep it as just auto follow, you may set raw as 0,. then if you may hope to use those auto follow morph as free morph, adjust it be delta raw slider,,,, it is real merit,, to add slider individually… if it only work as multipler,, though it is still useful.. not so useful.. because we can only multiple with body morph value..when it auto -follow..

    you may know,, if you add delta raw slider (not multiple slider) you can make it or import those tool (though you need to manually transfer morphs in blender)

  9. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks. I think multiple of full slider is still useful, but the Priority should be,

    1. usuall raw slider for individual auto follow morph (it auto driven by character rig morph)

    2. if need slider as multiple way, or if vendor offer such controller for morphs,, add it (as global) as 2nd stage controller.

    about ds as default all driven controller (hidden props) can adjust by self slider as addictive way . so keep to use same logic should offer what we can do with daz with those hidden morphs.

    on and off auto follow mutliple seems easy to use, , but the more thinking how I have used those auto follow morph (hiddn) in daz studio, The addictive way (default ) ican offer free control as user need.

    As for me it is enough . if you hope to add multiple slider,(global switch or individually , after add raw,, if you need it ),, add it later please.. at least if it not cause issue, I suppose no one complain, even though we have special multiple adjuster for auto follow morphs.

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