HD Import New Genitalia for Vic 8 broken

Issue #443 resolved
Domiek created an issue

When converting an HD Genesis 8.1 char to Rigify, New Gen for Vic 8 is not influenced by Rigify. Using the regular import instead of HD works perfectly fine.

I’ve tested this on 1.6 6e8321f75d46. and b67b13e9a7dd. Also tested this on a Victoria 8.1 with the same result.

Tested on a random Gen 8 character with the same result.

I only have New Gen for Vic 8 so can’t test if other 3rd party genitalia have this issue.

Comments (14)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Hm. There are quite a few things that can go wrong with HD meshes.

    If multires modifiers are generated for all meshes, they should behave as the base meshes. On my system they do. However, for this to work the all meshes must be selected in the geometry editor in DS, cf http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/2020/09/hd-meshes-and-geografts-revisited.html. Note that all meshes must be selected in turn, if you forgot to select the genitals something like this may happen.

    If you load the true HD meshes, without multires, then there are more problems: vertex groups must be transferred manually from the base meshes, and the geograft cannot be merged because vertex numbers don’t match. But this does not seem to be the problem here.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Some things to check:

    1. Does the geograft have any vertex groups?
    2. If you merge geografts, can you pose the character with the daz rig?
    3. If you convert to rigify without merging geograft, can you pose the character?

  3. Domiek reporter
    1. Geograft vertex groups

    2. Still broken after merging geograph using only the daz rig.

    3. Yes can still pose char without merging geograft but the geograft remains completely static.

  4. Domiek reporter

    I tested the native Daz Genesis 8 Female Genitalia and it works fine with Gen 8.1 HD export. The issues experienced may be specific to New Genitalia for Victoria 8 and for that reason I’m lowering the requested priority.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    Everything works fine here. This is also a lucky case where merging the HD geograft doesn’t cause issues. I mean, usually we have to merge the base resolution to the HD figure to avoid errant vertices. Tested with G81F and NGV8.

    daz studio, blender 2.92.0, plugin commit 25c53c3


    1. in daz studio enter the geometry editor
    2. export HD
    3. import in blender
    4. merge armatures
    5. delete the base resolution meshes since we don’t need them
    6. merge ngv8_HD to g81f_HD
    7. enter pose mode and pose as you wish

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    update. Tested with easy import and it works fine too. Apart that easy import doesn’t merge the geograft so I have to do it myself. I don’t know if this is a known limitation for HD figures or a bug.

    Also test scene included. Works fine for me.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    As an alternative you can also use the addon by Xin, that’s much faster than the HD exporter. It’s a manual procedure for now but Xin is working to provide an automatic option. See #438.

  8. Domiek reporter

    Thanks for running tests on this Alessandro.

    I ended up using your attached duf file and faced the same issues. Went to the vendors page and redownloaded NGV8 in case there was some update. Same issue persists regardless. I ended up testing more geografts and they all work fine on my end. I’ll simply use the Daz provided genitalia and consider this issue a special case for my end.

    Edit: Just to be sure, Alessandro did you try moving your figure in pose mode away from the center? Your screenshot shows only one leg being moved which is not enough to reveal if NV8 is working or not.

  9. Domiek reporter

    Ended up completely removing any tracec of NGV8 on my hard drive and downloading/installing a fresh copy. Now everything works as intended.

  10. Domiek reporter

    Ended up completely removing any trace of NGV8 on my hard drive and downloading/installing a fresh copy. Now everything works as intended.

  11. Alessandro Padovani

    Yep I did move the figure away from the center with the hip bone to try to reproduce your issue, though I understand it’s not visible in the picture. Glad that you resolved.

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