Merge geografts vertex not merged.

Issue #445 resolved
Noname created an issue


The issue is that when merging geografts verts are not merged (just object itself joined into one mesh) with result in visible crease around geografts mesh.

Thanks in advance for resolving issue.

Comments (18)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    This was fixed in #223, are you using a recent version of the plugin ? Then if you mean #382 this is a known issue with some HD geografts. If this happens you have to merge the base geograft instead. I mean you merge the base resolution geograft to the multiresolution HD mesh.

  2. Noname reporter

    Sorry, my bad, description is incorrect - I was experimenting with this a lot and got careless when reporting issue. Merge works fine after import.

    But… this is strange.

    Basically there is something strange going on with geografts or probably I’m using plug-in incorrectly.

    NOTE: by import I mean normal import not easy in below tests. Model is G3F Lilith non HD.

    Test 1 - OK, steps:

    1. import model
    2. merge geografts

    Test 2 - FAIL, steps:

    1. import model
    2. select geografts and import custom morphs
    3. merge geografts
    4. vertex not merged

    Test 3 - OK, steps:

    1. import model
    2. select geografts and import custom morphs
    3. transfer morph to model
    4. merge geografts
    5. vertex merged
    6. custom morphs panel not visible any more in plugin Ui - is this correct ?
    7. custom morphs are now available as shapekeys with drivers

      1. I can change values but nothing happens
      2. when deletign driver I can change values and those changes are reflected in mesh

    Ad7. This is strange because on my other file, with was created using older plugin version after merge it’s still there - but there I used “Apply all shapekeys” otherwise vertex are not merged as in Test 2.

    Another issue that I noticed is that after “Apply shapekeys” You can’t transfer any new ones - is that correct ?

    Bottom line I think this is my issue, I should use transfer shapekeys and | or apply shapekeys. So fell free to close this issue.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Merge Geograft relies on Blender’s native Remove Doubles tool to merge vertices on the boundary between the body and the geograft. If the boundary of either mesh has moved for some reason, e.g. a non-zero shapekey or a posed bone, then the vertices are not in the same position and will not be moved. It sounds like you have imported some morph that moves the geograft boundary. Perhaps it has a non-zero value because it is driven.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If you have applied all shapekeys, there are non left to transfer. But you propably don’t want to apply shapekeys, if you intend to use them for posing the merged mesh.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    From what I understand in your description it works as intended. That is, test 2 fails because you don’t transfer morphs, that results into visible seams. Then some pictures would help to make this clear.

  6. Noname reporter

    The confusion that I have is that when I do import custom morphs these do have value of 0 so I do assume that those are not changing vertex position in any way. That’s why It’s a little confusing seeing that merge creates crease (and yes I double checked and all custom morphs do have value of 0). Maybe this unveils deeper problem - that imported morphs with value of 0 actually change vertex position ?

    As for the pictures - it looks same as in resolved issues #382 and #223 vertex are just not connected around outer of mesh. I can and I did used merge vertex by distance (with is renamed tool Remove Doubles) and it works fine (by this I mean verts are merged). Maybe distance is different in plugin ? Dunno.

    Bottom line - it’s not big deal I guess and if that’s intended workflow then that’s fine. I personally would love to see workflow that don’t lock ability to import at any time custom morphs. To work around this currently I just merge geografs as last step but sometimes this produces artefacts (even with transfer).

    What I tried was to duplicate geogaft and either use shrinkwarp or mesh deform but these produced artefacts.

    Anyway, as stated before, not huge problem, needs to just think ahead and import all morphs that are used.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    #382 is not resolved, #223 is but has nothing to do with disconnected vertices. So your description is confusing. Please post pictures and a test scene as simple as possible, together with the steps to follow to reproduce the issue. With the figures and geografts I tested everything seems to work fine here.

  8. Noname reporter

    This is invalid issue.

    Tested this much more and this also happens with 1.5.1 version.

    The root of the problem:

    • I don’t do transfer morphs from geografts to the base mesh

    This results in un-merged vertex.

    Doing transfer morphs resolves issue.

    Yet this is strange.

    I tested default G3F and Lilith7 (G3F) and added there (only) golden palace v2 and | or NGFV7, but main mesh didn’t had any morphs whatsoever (gens also no morphs) after exporting dbz and importing in blender and importing custom morphs to geografts I could merge without need to transfer morphs to base model.

    My conclusion, please do correct me if I’m wrong, is that if base mesh don’t have morphs (my problematic Lilith7 model does have other morphs) then it’s not required to use transfer morphs as base mesh is not modified in any way.

    Bottom line bug between chair and display :D

    Again sorry for confusion and invalid bug report.

  9. Noname reporter

    To expand more on this, here are images:

    Above images shows what happens with my custom G3F Lilith 7 model (with custom morphs on base mesh) after importing geografts with custom morphs without transferring them to base mesh.

    Hm… so I wanted to test above theory with “You need to transfer morphs to base mesh” and it appears that’s not the case.
    I did updated my default G3F model with some custom shapes (model has NGFV7) and exported dbz and imported, using easy import with merge rigs, then selected NGFV7 and custom morphs skipped transfer of shapekeys and it merged without issue.

    What I did:

    • in Daz add some morphs to base G3F model (belly, breasts etc.)
    • export dbz
    • in blender use EasyImport
    • select geograft
    • import custom morphs
    • select geografts and base mesh
    • merge geografts

    And it:

    • merged correctly geografts
    • transferred morphs into base mesh

    Maybe I missed some change and this behavior is correct but still it don’t explain why this works - the answer here is that I need to use transfer morphs yet it works without that step.


    0. use EasyImport with fallowing settings

    1. model is imported correctly

    2. select geograft (ngfv7) and import custom morphs

    3. imported custom morphs into geogrft works, nothing imported on base mesh, not even selected during import process

    4. use merge gegrafts option, selected geografts first and then base mesh and clicked merge geografts

    Vertex are merged correctly and morphs are transferred into base mesh ???

    This desn’t seam like asset issue but importer issue.

    Right now I’m even more confused then before. Ignoring my initial issue with custom Lilith7 this should produce same error - vertex not correctly merged right ?

    @Thomas Larsson Is it possible to expose merge distance option somewhere in Ui (i.e. on import widget or in settings) ?

    so we can play around with this. Assuming that merge is done for outermost verts as this option will cause issue in other parts of mesh. This is just for playing around.

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    You did the steps when it works. We need the steps when it doesn’t work to reproduce the issue .. is Lilith 7 the only figure that doesn’t work ? Can you reproduce the issue with Victoria 7 or G3F ?

    Then you first say it’s an invalid issue, then that Lilith 7 doesn’t work even if you transfer morphs. I’m confused.

  11. Noname reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani Currently I can’t reproduce this issue, still working on minimal example. I don’t want to share my custom Lilith7 model as it has many assets that one would need to install for it to work and that’s PITA.

    But the main problem is still there - why it works ? It appears that there is some issue with transferring morphs and IMHO it’s related to the fact that morphs are auto transferred in my G3F tests above - that’s why it works and causes issue with custom Lilith7. For whatever reason it appears that plugin decide at some point to transfer or not morphs from geografts automatically (either by bug or intentional and if intentional then that detection is incorrect)

  12. Alessandro Padovani

    Uh .. do you mean you sculpted your own custom morph for Lilith 7 ? If so try to save it as support asset (file > save as > support asset > morph), then load it on the standard Lilith 7 figure, then export to blender. It should work.

  13. engetudouiti

    “Vertex are merged correctly and morphs are transferred into base mesh ???”

    without you transfer morph manually “graft item to base mesh,” add on never auto transfer morphs.

    But the interesting thing is (and how add on work = just leave it off blender do) even though you not transfer morph, 2 mesh are merged and converted as one character mesh.

    Then blender simply keep these shape keys of the grafted area then remain the shape key as new merged mesh shape key. Because the shape key deformed poligon remain (merged) for new mesh without change anything. (only vertex order may change). Blender anyway do so, when we merge 2 mesh, with shape keys.

    What you can not do is,, if you import custom morph which may effect all body. (include the grafted item area around navel) then if you merge with grafted item, they may break (because around naval mesh already removed. and exchanged new one (which had included in graft gen mesh) So you need to transfer shape key from base mesh to grafted mesh first. then merged. or I may transfer shape key from base to merged mesh.

    Though I seldom import such custom morph. but take care when I import morph which may effect graft item connected area. it may need some special step. (then I always remain, duplicated base and grafted item when merge mesh, then can transfer shape key again when it need)

    On the other hand, most of morph which only deform graft item,, I usually import those gen morphs for the graft item, then merge it. .Usulally I can still use them as same as before, with rig driver..

    You may transfer all JCM or flexion morphs from body to gen first.

    then next import custom morph of graft item. after that merge graft item may offer what you need without special process.

    At same time, if you import custom morph for graft item, there should be some exceptional case. The shape key try to deform connected line. So when I import those custom morph for gen, I may take care. about the case, I may transfer shape key from graft item to base mesh first. then merge. and if it still show some break line around connected area, (after merged) I manually adjust them.

    The reason why it happen,, I suppose 2 reason. All base mesh morph can auto follow for grafted item in daz. and Daz graft item can auto hide merged mesh, but we can not do so in blender ( it never work well with sub-D) then we need to cut-off and change poligon arrangement = there should be case, shape key break around the connrected area.

    So you may see sometimes, merged mesh not remain clean shape key. even though you transfer shape keys untill merge. but it need to treat with case by case (what morph may cause issue). If you use same product and morphs, there should be way, you can solve it I suppose.. but to things easy,, if there is morph which break,, I may simply re-make morph for merged mesh. (or you may report the cirtical morph and product, so I may try how we can manage it easy if I can.

    At same time, if the shape key may tansform edit-bone, add on can not support it,, then sometimes it may show issue with posing. we have no way about it.. untill blender support dirver for edit bone (edit rest pose bone, with driver along with shape key)

  14. engetudouiti

    I can not reproduce your failed case 2. not test case 3 still, but I may test later.

    My conclusion, please do correct me if I’m wrong, is that if base mesh don’t have morphs (my problematic Lilith7 model does have other morphs) then it’s not required to use transfer morphs as base mesh is not modified in any way.

    It actually no difference, because when you import your character, all morph which you used in daz should be baked. for graft item and base mesh.

    So when you import daz figure, (with graft item) they appear in blender as non morph (base shape and graft itme)then basically your graft item should perfectly fit on geometry of base character mesh , about connect line.

    Transfer morphs may need case by case.. Usually I seldom transfer morph from graft item to base. it may only need when graft item morph effect connected line verts when we merge, then I suppose there may be case it cause by issue, (eg break driver some how, though I do not confirm it)

    Then we usually need to transfer morph from base to graft item for morphs which deform the poligon covered by graft item..

    eg you may need not transfer arm shape morphs for graft item at all. but if you import pelvis morphs or abdoman morphs (JCM or flexion or custom PBM) for base you may need to transfer it to graft item then merge.

    after all what morph you have imported for base or graft item, and transfer each other,, it not relate with merge process at all.. because as you said, you keep it as 0 when you merge.

    I suppose,, if you have seam when you merge, it depend how you save your scene in daz studio. and the seam should already there untill you merge = connected lin verts not along with base mesh , then add on miss merge.

    (though add on auto adjust it I suppose,,it may not work with the distance)

  15. engetudouiti

    And the pics, which you added,

    Above images shows what happens with my custom G3F Lilith 7 model (with custom morphs on base mesh) after importing geografts with custom morphs without transferring them to base mesh.

    are untill merge? I suppose when you import figure to blender, they arelady show the issue. and it caused you may use geometry editor for test. (base mesh)

    The geometry editor activate option, only need for HD import to import mesh separately. Then if you not activate Geometry editor for import as base mesh (non HD), you need not use it. so it may never happen.

    I suppose you happend to use geometry editor activate when you import as base mesh. then confuse first. then later you import scene without use geometry editor, then they may work as it should be.

    So I may recommend, try apply your custom G3F lility model in daz scene,, with graft item (special gen product etc). and if it work well in daz studio,, you simply import (save duf and dbz, and import by add on Non HD option). then see you still see issue. when you merge. I do not think it happen. (maybe)

    If it reall cause issue, I may buy lilyth morph and test it with gen product. (but only have New genetaria for victoria, so I can not reproduce perfectly same thing as you tried I suppose.

    Which morph you should transfer (gen to base) or (base to Gen) is not matter about the issue. It only show problem when you apply value for morph etc.. and can talk as separately.

  16. Noname reporter


    First of all thank You all for useful comments and sorry for late reply (got lot of work).

    @engetudouiti comment pointed me into right direction to get it working in more manageable way.

    So now I have 2 working solutions for my problem.


    1. use transfer to transfer morphs
    2. use option Morphed (Characters) when importing and then no need to transfer morphs to base mesh (I do assume blender keeps them around as engetudouiti pointed out).

    Again thanks everyone for useful feedbacks and comments.

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