Could you change reset morph not 0 but default value for bool controller props?

Issue #463 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I suppose as default, add on try to generate prop with set default value. so some master controller like Eye automatic work (need to as True = 1.0 float value)

then when we try to reset morph, to check already tweaked morph and return default, unfortuantely ( it made so) it actually set all slider value as 0. I do not find good way to return it as default value.

I suppose,, maybe you can check ID prop default value. (Prop raw) for those user UI slider prop,, so not set all as zero, but set as default value is good… (actually both zero set button and default set button both useful though)

I afraid maybe Flex on and OFF may show same issue. if user raemember which morph need to set as 1.00 , it not problem though..

Comments (4)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Then the Eyelookauto (facs_ctrl_EyeLookAuto) for G8.1 seems not set default value as 1.0 for the raw prop.

    though you may set value when we load it. (so the csutom prop value = 1.0, default value = 0.0)

    I suppose when you need to set value for import, you may better set default value (same value) for the raw prop if you can it easy..

    Then if you enhance, function (like return morph values etc) you can use the default value of ID prop (raw)

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The Clear Morphs button now ignores integer properties like Eye Look Auto. The JCMs On property is a float property, but it isn’t displayed in the UI so it is not cleared either.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Ok. usually it might be better option, than clear all morph value as 0 (when it need to keep fix value)

    You have offered, X button to clear morphs for each category,, then you have offered clear pose and morph button as Pose category.

    How they will work? (they will do same thing about UI props or work differently?)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks it work. I expect if you can set custom property "Default value" when import then we can use the default value, when reset morphs = set value as property default value without check integer or float etc.

    eg I may import PBMnaval for G3. (hope to use the slider as morph) then when reset morphs, I hope it keep as Fix float value which I set for the custom property. (it need manually I suppose because most of user may bake it when import, but I do not..)

    then even though I set default value as 0.7 for PBMnavel raw,, add on may not count it when reset.

    It may need to request separately...

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