Adbance option remove morphs corrupt driven morphs controller

Issue #464 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

It is advance option, then basically we may not need to remove morphs. once we generated.

But ideally I hope it work stable. About prop drive another prop type morphs,

which use group sum driven props as prop(rst) and prop(rst) = Sum (prop rst:0, rst:1… rst;3) cause issue when we remove driver prop with “remove morph” and select some morphs from the group.

Maybe Thomas need to re-write the function, and need to re-make each (prop rst:0, rst:1… rst;3) correctly. there are many case bug caused. when we remove Controller “value * step value” from prop(rst: number) driver variables

I already see some cases it not wrok (after remove morph, it corrupt currently improted custom morphs and some times face unit too) with G3 and import cistom morphs, (Z morphs) which only drive face unit .

I think, when we import custom morphs , several times,, (devide 1st import , 2nd import, 3rd import) add on already manage (re-generate or add new variable) for each prop(rst:num) prop(rst: number) driver variables. correctly.. (did not test so complex thing still like change category etc) so at current remove morphs only matter . it need to remove fin prop too. (usually they remain as non driver props, even though there is no raw prop any more.

Comments (6)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    With recent commit seems solve, “ corrupt (prop rst:0, rst:1… rst;3) props problem” when remove some controller from custom morphs. (Z-morph test) so remain Z-morph now work correclty, even though I remove custom morphs, some times. do not know reason though🤔

    Then clear small problem is,,at current always add on remain Fin props when remove the morphs as empty prop. only Raw prop (UI slider) are removed. then Fin prop remain as (it not have any driver so just remain as custom props)

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The new morph system makes it difficult to remove individual drivers, and I don’t think it is worth spending too much time on it. I will probably remove these tools and only keep the tool which removes all drivers and associated properties, so you can start over from scratch.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    I suppose we can not remove all custom morphs too. because it should effect , Face units or Expression

    (if the morph drive those Expression or unit morphs or already imported props) Rst (num) s.

    Actually I though as real usage,, I may better not remove morphs.

    So at current import custom morphs, as several steps work stable.. I may ignore those.

    At same time, even though I understand your thinking, Untill you actually remove option , user do not know.

    So I keep this topic untill you remove those option, or happend to find good stable managing way.

    Actually if I import custom morphs , then next remove some of them, and reimport a few morphs which I removed, after that, most of improted morphs not work any-more.

    Then anyway If I can import custom morphs, as several groups with free group, (or import and test some, then import and test some) without problem, I think User can manage custom morphs. (do not remove custom morph, or start from scratch about all morphs,)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks then I test remove drivers, with check remove props (both) , but at current it not work as you said. It remain JCM shape keys, etc, at same time, each shape key have driven by self (raw), but all self(raw) props seems not appear as custom property any-more.

    So if you remain all JCM morphs, you should not remove JCM from my UI and custom props.

    And add on generated all category (face unit, or expresison or vismes, JCMs) remain in UI as same as before. (these empty UI category is annoying, and I do not think I can clean import morphs again for current scene)

    I may hope , the button remove all morphs (add on imported morphs), props, shape keys, categorys, which user improted with add on . (reset rig,, without any morph shape keys)

    Or the option simply make things more complex.

    If it not work , I may reload saved scene which alread add facial bone etc, but it not import any morphs) at s

    The reset option stability is important. (when you offer current version as non beta)

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