DAZ overlay group wrong setup

Issue #471 resolved
jeroen b created an issue

While playing with “side swept Rose hair”, I noticed that the DAZ overlay group node setup is incorrect. This for the Dev as well as the stable version. Inputs to the mix shader nodes need to be swapped.

In DAZ I used a subtle bleuish overlay, resulting in a bright bleu result in Blender;

BTW; thanks Allessandro for pointing out this very nice freebie, I like it a lot!

Comments (19)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    It doesn’t seem what you’re suggesting is correct. Overlays are mainly used for makeups. Below is what I get with a V8 makeup if I switch the diffuse as you propose.

    Then if you can share a simple primitive with your material setup I can look at it to see what’s wrong.

  2. jeroen b reporter
      <div class="preview-container wiki-content"><!-- loaded via ajax --></div>
      <div class="mask"></div>

    </div> </form>

  3. jeroen b reporter

    Alessandro, I attached a blendfile, cube with hair material as imported. Perhaps this problem happens when an overlay image is to be used as a mask, instead of an PNG image with alpha channel?

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    The issue is that the overlay channel is driven by a jpg instead of a png. The jpg has no alpha but the plugin plugs the alpha anyway, that’s wrong. In this case it’s the color to drive the overlay.

    So Thomas if you may fix this we can test later.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now the color socket is linked to the power node. Actually, the color socket is used even if the mask texture is a png. It seems to me that for this type of channel, where the output is a weight, we should always use the color as the mask even if there is an alpha channel.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    @Jeroen Beljaars Please unmark this is not resolved the fix doesn’t work fine.

    @Thomas Larsson Commit c08cad4 doesn’t work fine. We need to use the alpha with png and the color with jpg. Below what happens with a makeup. Test scene included rose.duf, it’s Victoria 8 wearing a makeup and the rose hair so you can test both together.

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, so my hypothesis was wrong. Fixed in last commit. Also thank you Alessandro for a file that I can use to test overlays, since the old ones disappeared with the old tracker

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, commit 2cc1a9f doesn’t seem to work.

    It uses the alpha for jpg so it gets the blue hair as before. We need to use the alpha for png and the color for jpg to drive the overlay. Please compare the iray rendering when you make the fix so you can see the difference. Below is what we have to get with the rose.duf scene.

  9. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Should work now. It is not a matter of file type; the overlay masks are png files both for the hair and the make-up. Instead, the make-up mask turns out to have an “image_modification”, with “grayscale_mode” = “alpha”, while the hair mask has no such modification. This is apparently what determines which channel should be used.

    This new field is taken into account for the Diffuse Overlay Weight, but presumable the same issue may arise elsewhere, although we haven’t seen it yet.

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    Uh .. so the hair mask is a png without alpha .. Didn’t notice at all for some reason I confused it with a jpg. Anyway tested both with jpg and png without alpha and commit 49e8a16 works great. I believe we can mark as resolved.

    Sorry Thomas that I wasted your time with bad info.

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