with "ignore" light setting (global option) why add on auto attach world and set back ground shader?

Issue #473 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

In ds I usually I never set auto-head lamp for scene. (even though you do not add camera in scene DS try to auto apply head lamp when there is no light node.

It is un-useful when user adjust real light with emitter . (or user set lamp node without use camera head lamp) .

But with blender add on, it anyway try to attach world with background shader (I do not use any enviroment for daz scene) it is annoying

Test this scene.duf please

In daz studio

Enviroment mode = scene only (Enviroment node setting)

Render setting misc >> Auto head lamp = Never (or ds auto apply head lamp without any camera)

Enviroment = none (background image or color of 3d view)

Then I only use geometry emittor.

Then import the scene, with add on global setting light, scene = ignore. (so I suppose it only use surface emittor of the scene)

But add on try to attach world. with emission shader (with set white color) , do not know if it is useful for some case, but at least I need option add on never generate world when I set so in ds. I can not find option to avoid it..

Test with attached scene please.

Comments (24)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Or add on can not auto-detect the Enviroment mode = scene only?

    I found “import Enviroment” as global setting ,but it seems better even though I keep the global setting it as on, when I set Enviroment mode = scene only in Daz

    add on not auto-generate World with emission. (white) or everytime I need to change global setting only for the purpose.

    I did not test with background color. so do not know if the daz back ground setting relate with this issue (I usually keep, background color/image = none) and do not test if I set the color or image how add on manage it. (not HDRI simple backgorund image)

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    The truth is the actual “environment” option is quite rude and we never took it seriously. It is enough to import the hdri if the user wants to. Then daz studio acts differently and there are multiple options with transparent/colored background and/or the environment light.

    In general though the big difference is that in daz studio the “background” is just a color and doesn’t light the scene, while in blender the “background” lights the scene.

    So a better setup would be as below, to be adjusted when we get only the daz background or only the daz environment. And this is just the simplified idea since both the environment and the background get options for rotating and flipping.

    For example below is a daz scene with a blue background and the environment hdri. Test scene included env.duf. If Thomas may like to play with it and make the environment option more faithful.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    I just request if add on check env node setting. Enviroment mode (Enum) in duf.

    only when it set as “scene only” add on not generate new pure white back ground shader world . and tint . because in DAZ studio, if we set so, DS never use enviroment HDRI then only scene light setting is matter.

    Though I already notice, I can avoid it with non -activate enviroment as global import setting .

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes this is a “bug”, that is, the environment is “simplified” and there are a number of things that don’t match with daz. Among these things what you are noting here. I agree it would be nice if Thomas may find some time to improve things.

    Meanwhile your best choice is to turn off the environment in the global settings if you don’t want it.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The plugin did check the env mode, but for some reason it created a world anyway if there was a background color. The last commit fixes that, and gave the world code a general overhaul.

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas maybe how scene setting describe about env different by each daz version,

    but at least duf which generated by current ds version, enviroment mode setting value (Enum) is described in duf

    as one node_library dictionary, “extra” >”channels”>”

                            "channel" : {
                                "id" : "Environment Mode",
                                "type" : "enum",
                                "label" : "Environment Mode",
                                "value" : 0,
                                "current_value" : 3,
                                "enum_values" : [ "Dome and Scene", "Dome Only", "Sun-Sky Only", "Scene Only" ]

    At current I understand, can not generate Sun-Sky. so Dome and Scene or Dome only ar Scene only is only matter.

    I do not think we need to care Dome and Scene or Dome only, but about Scene only, you can make add on not generate or over-write world.

    but you seems already do what I request while I check duf ^^; anyway thanks.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas as for commit 6c7363b it doesn’t seem to work fine. I prepared three simple tests for you to try, environment only, background only, environment plus background, and all of them fails here. There’s also a python error.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Sorry, I didn’t test with non-zero dome orientation. Should work now. Though I don’t see why you have a problem with the files that files without environment, because the failing code should not be executed in that case.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    That is because the “none” option in daz studio is different from the “none” option in blender. Commit f8a320b works fine here for the first three tests. It fails the “none” test. When there’s no environment and no background in daz studio we may set a black background in blender that doesn’t light the scene, plus a transparent background for the output.

    This should work for no-env-no-back.duf that I understand is what Engetudouiti cares for.

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    Please note that the transparent film is needed also for environment only when we don’t draw the environment. New test scene included env-trans.duf.

  11. engetudouiti reporter

    What I request is just read the enviroment node setting (typically for the Scene only)

    I usually do not set the environment (so ds auto set default, when I need simple test with default start scene, or base genesis3 duf etc)

    Then not tweak the envrioment other setting, because I do not hope to change it without I need to load env preset or env setting. When I hope to load and generate HDRI backgroud (exr) etc for blender, only change enviroment node setting and load the scene duf. with keep global setting ON.

    But take account background color is good idea. maybe it is useful for user who no need background as light source but hope to generate as Image background

    (though I do not know if blender offer such background image with background node of enviroment, basically it try to use the color as emission even though you use jpeg.

    Then we basically need to set up bg image with use 3d view properties. https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.79/editors/3dview/properties/background_images.html

    untill merge those as world setting I recommend Thomas check it too.

    or there is add on which auto generate mesh with bg image (blender default community add on).

    I do not know , merging bg image (daz studio background) with env shader is good idea or not. if I request about bg image, I may prefer separate bg image and bg light source (backgorund shader) clear as same as daz. do not mix in shader. or world setting.

  12. engetudouiti reporter

    I means difference of Ds backdrop (bg color or bg image) and render setting enviroment map (for iray)

    I do not know which way is better to load those image as blender back ground. but I may prefer not mix it in blender “world” shader.

    My OP request is as Thomas already did,, about Render setting (iray)>> Enviroment > enviroment map (HDRI or Tiff or Exr etc) then we generate world which auto apply those image as World shader. (with blender background node) Though I still not test with recent up-date, (I suppose what I requested is already done) and basically I seldom set up Back ground , so not take it serious,, but if it effect generate world shader, I hope to avoid it. (it simply make things more complex)

  13. Alessandro Padovani

    Engetudouiti, diffeomorphic is an importer, so it should import things. I don’t see how a feature is more important and/or should be imported or not because you use or not use it yourself. Actually yes, the environment option is supposed to import both the environment and the background. Also because they interact with each other in daz studio.

  14. engetudouiti reporter

    Then I said we should not mix up those as world shader without you confirm it actually work for bg rectangler image.

    we do not need simply set bg color like your way. if importer correctly take count back drop I apreciate. but I do not request it. and I do not think it work correctly

    without you twaeak many with texture cordinate and shader nodes. but may recommend use blender offer back drop options. or may recommend use composit node

    if importer actually try to import back drop. (I said again, I do not request it. but simply annoying make complex node just for enviroment without clear reason)

  15. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In the last commit the Environment global setting has been replaced by the World setting, which has three possible values:

    1. Always. This corresponds to the old environment enabled. All test files should work as Alessandro described.
    2. Dome or Background: This ignores the environment if the environment mode = Scene only.
    3. Never. This corresponds to the old environment disabled, and never creates a world material.

    Hm. The second option should change name to Dome, since it ignores the background.

    I personally don’t have a strong opinion about which is best, but probably find the Dome option most useful, whereas Always is most faithful to the DS behaviour.

  16. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks. anyway my issue has solved.

    Then if add on will plan to import daz back drop image, I may recommend to use new blender import image options. (it change with 2.8 ? I do not remember clear)

    the daz back drop always keep same image with view (camera or scene), so we can not make it work perfectly same without you use kind of relation. though I do not care if add on try to generate new shader nodes for back ground with mix env map, (I avoid the option..^^;)

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