Import morph witch need to range minus min value to max plus do not set shape key min as minus correctly

Issue #474 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I remember Thomas asked about it before , then I believe it need but could not show real case.

But it actually “must” . because there are some morphs which need to set min as minus for PHMs I found.

eg you may found some Ear PHMs which need not to consier rest pose bone transforms. then the range include minus.

You may not against to import those morph as custom morphs. (so you can still change ear size or change it like elf when you need)

at current add on only set min and max for fin value. but not set min and max for shape keys. so basically even though I set raw as -0.4 etc it not change size.

or you may import elf ear include character which baked. then happend to hope to return as human without re-import. then import elf morph and set it as minus one should work.. but add on not auto set min and max for shape key, then we need to manually set them. even though the morph set min as -0.4 etc (in morph.dsf which we import)

Then you already offer user custom range for Fin value as gloval option. so I request,

  1. when user not use custom but use daz,, add on must set same min and max for shape key (if the morph generate shape keys) as same as fin property
  2. when user use custom,, you set same min and max for shape key too.. so I can change all range at same time.(though there are some morph which may need to set min and max correctly, or the morph not work as expected (miss use range) with drivers. but anyway you offer those,, so I hope to set min and max when it need
  3. As future request,,, if you can add custom min and max setting when import morphs for each category ^^; so I can only set custom min (include minus) for non JCM or flexion but all simple shape key type morphs. I can destinguish by category,, so it not effect other morphs which need to set same range as daz. eg I may hope to import bunch of custom shape morphs then set min and max by add on auto. at current add on may only set raw and fin, then can not set min and max for each category.

As main issue is,, at first use same min and max setting for shape key as fin value.

(it is related with this issue

, but I separate this topic what I think it must need. (or current add on offer setting options simply ignore for minus value)

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