render icon (with sample) for save file (but non blender scene)

Issue #478 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

The purpose is only for save pose function which recently added for this add on. but may be useful too.

if there will be some new functions which may save files (not matter for daz or blender etc,, like save pose now work for blender and daz)

For most of preset function, (or save kind of data) I like to see icon which render current scene.. so we can easy load it with visuall. then I do not think it must, but it may not harm anyone who need to use save pose. I mainly use custom preset for blender. Then I made it when I save kind of json . it render openGL then generate images as small icon png. (bpy.ops.render.opengl) with auto set render setting (size etc)

Only thing we need to care, when we render openGL. it overwrite current Render image when user alredy render it. So to aovid it, I add new render slot temporally to keep render-image, then when I save poeset (txt, or json), it auto render icon, then remove the slot and return all render setting which currently used.

I think if Thomas can enhance it I hope to see it with current add on save pose. (or I do not know if blender offer more good function as same as we save blend file with icon now)

Ir is actual parts of code t which I include for my preset custom scripts. so If thomas plan to add icon for pose. check it and enhance or modify as you need please. (I think there should be more smart way,, but I usually content with, when I confirm it work ,,so not plan to clean or remove un-necessary code) And I can not manage perfect the focus with current veiw ratio. (so if THomas know better way modify free please)

def keep_renderset(context):
    setdic = {}
    rd = context.scene.render
    olmode = True
    image_set = rd.image_settings
    setdic["fp"] = rd.filepath
    setdic["rx"] = rd.resolution_x
    setdic["ry"] = rd.resolution_y
    setdic["per"] = rd.resolution_percentage
    setdic["ax"] = rd.pixel_aspect_x
    setdic["ay"] = rd.pixel_aspect_y
    setdic["ub"] = rd.use_border
    setdic["uc"] = rd.use_crop_to_border
    setdic["fe"] = rd.use_file_extension
    setdic["ow"] = rd.use_overwrite
    setdic["st"] = rd.film_transparent
    setdic["ff"] = image_set.file_format
    setdic["cm"] = image_set.color_mode
    setdic["cd"] = image_set.color_depth
    setdic["cp"] = image_set.compression
    return setdic

def set_renderset(context, fname):
    rd = context.scene.render
    image_set = rd.image_settings
    rd.filepath = fname
    rd.resolution_x = 256
    rd.resolution_y = 256
    rd.resolution_percentage = 100
    rd.pixel_aspect_x = 1.0
    rd.pixel_aspect_y = 1.0
    rd.use_border = True
    rd.use_crop_to_border = True
    rd.use_file_extension = True
    rd.use_overwrite = True
    rd.film_transparent = True
    image_set.file_format = 'PNG'
    image_set.color_mode = 'RGBA'
    image_set.color_depth = '8'
    image_set.compression = 50

def return_renderset(context, setdic):
    rd = context.scene.render
    image_set = rd.image_settings
    rd.filepath = setdic["fp"]
    rd.resolution_x = setdic["rx"]
    rd.resolution_y = setdic["ry"]
    rd.resolution_percentage = setdic["per"]
    rd.pixel_aspect_x = setdic["ax"]
    rd.pixel_aspect_y = setdic["ay"]
    rd.use_border = setdic["ub"]
    rd.use_crop_to_border = setdic["uc"]
    rd.use_file_extension = setdic["fe"]
    rd.use_overwrite = setdic["ow"]
    rd.film_transparent = setdic["st"]
    image_set.file_format = setdic["ff"]
    image_set.color_mode = setdic["cm"]
    image_set.color_depth = setdic["cd"]
    image_set.compression = setdic["cp"]

def render_icons(context, fname):
    olmode = True
    for area in context.screen.areas:
        if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
            for space in area.spaces:
                if space.type == 'VIEW_3D':
                    olmode = space.overlay.show_overlays
                    space.overlay.show_overlays = False

    rd = context.scene.render
    rdic = keep_renderset(context)
    rr =["Render Result"]
    rs = rr.render_slots
    cslot =
    fl = False
    for slot in rs:
        if == "icon-slot":
            fl = True
   = slot

    if not fl:
        aslot = = "icon-slot") = aslot    

    if context.scene.daz_setting.auto_rd:
        set_renderset(context, fname)
        bpy.ops.render.opengl(animation=False, write_still=True, view_context=True)
        return_renderset(context, rdic)
        cpath = rd.filepath
        cextension = rd.use_file_extension
        rd.filepath = fname
        rd.use_file_extension = True
        bpy.ops.render.opengl(animation=False, write_still=True, view_context=True)        
        rd.filepath = cpath
        rd.use_file_extension = cextension = cslot

    for area in context.screen.areas:
        if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
            for space in area.spaces:
                if space.type == 'VIEW_3D':
                    space.overlay.show_overlays = olmode

I used new scene.props and option, which user decide save peset with icon or not. and if user hope to generate better icon, use current user setting which user decide.

to temporally save current user render setting, then return it after generate png with save json (or duf etc)

(though I suppose Thomas can easy do it,, but may need to consider not overwrite user render image, and setting, then attach actual code which embed in) if you use render.opengl to generate icon

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