Small issues and tiny requests for MHX rig

Issue #489 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I gather some bug and tiny requests which I notice about current converted MHX rig then order bug (issue) >>> improvement(request)

1_ (bug) We must need to set roll for IK foot as -180 for rest pose. at current it should cause flip issue, when user first snap FK to IK, then reset IK foot only. you only need converted MHX , snap FK to IK, then without posing snap IK to FK again, then select IK foot , use pose clear transform >> rotation. it turn 180 foot bone

2_(bug) at least about G3, you set FK hand limit for wrong axis. and you do not set limit for IK hand rotation only. Then after pose with IK reasnable range, then use snap FK to IK it should cause issue. (hand rotation change)

In DS, bend need min -70 max 80. side-side -28 to 30 (so to make it simple bend min max = 85, side-side use -35 to 35 twist -10 to 10) but in blender ,current hand constrain bend set as -16 to 41.7 so, G3 can not push up training with FK mode.

Then at current add on try to set IK FK hand to make good chain line, forarmas,, so IK hand and FK and not locate as same as hand and hand.0 (daz position) but I think even though you locate Ik fk Hand as same as hand.0 or hand, IK work. and may not corrupted.

(though need test) so you can directly use the daz limit value for FK hand . at same time if set limit for FK hand, I suppose you need same rotation limit for IK hand rotation.

3_ you happend to remove Thing twk bones for current conversion rig ^^; but remain socket. it is pity.. because socket and twk work as different manner.. I think you can easy make it with set real deform bone as Twk_thing_bend as child of Thing_bend (switcher bone)


these 2 ( 4 and 5 ) may need carefully commits or it easy break stable rig ^^; so If you try it, please test carefully.. (or I need same report frequetnly …) and those twk bones are kind of toy, (though it should be useful, then some user may not hope to add all,, but I miss finger controll… (without it MHX have no good figner widgt,,, )

4_ relate this issue, so now MHX clear have 3 chaine switcher, IK and FK, then if you separate deform bone and set child for each switcher bone,,, (like hand-twk and hand etc),, you can add twk-bend and twk-twist esparately with make switcher bones and set child of them. (so each limb bone should have twk bone) if you can.

Those bone meaning is not rotate with limit, but translate or scale each rig weighted area only. you can add twk bone for twist bone too. (not for twist but adjust and add small deform only). with keep IK FK chain witout problem.

5_ finger controller which I have used before,,, now seems not work ^^; (rotate multiple segment of each finger at same time) like index.L etc , you remove driver? or I do not know if there is option to make it work.

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The finger controls are back, and there are a lot of new tweak bones that you can play with. I will look into the roll and axis problems tomorrow.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks about hand rotation with IK FK as my side no problem when it can fit correctly.

    Current FK limit usually cause issue. even though reasonable pose with IK, if you use limit for FK, at least you may need to set same IK limit I feel. (or I pose with IK , then fir FK to IK usually hand rotate back>> it will drive forearm too with return twist driver.

    and thanks to add new tweak boens with Thing. I like all. it is useful to check driver too, because now I can clear twist bone and bend bone how move with IK without cover (snap) large limb bone.

    Then could you confirm what I say about IK foot roll? I afraid if you can not confirm what I means. test it please. (you should do those things when you pray with Foot animation)

    MHX rig start with IK.. then now you change foot pose as FK by snap FK bone to IK bone.. then pose somehow, next return IK mode,

    by snap IK to FK. then you may add rotate foot IK , then hoped to reset rotate only about IK foot bone .. use clear rotation (blender menu) should cause Flip ugry deform.

    To correct it you need to add roll 180 for both IK foot only. I do not know why we can not clear bad deform when we snap. but I clear see, if you keep visible axis actually IK bone turn around 180 when you snap IK to FK >> clear rotation >> twist 180 then mesh break.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    So I do not say small things but hope you keep heel bone as movable (name twk as you like) for G3 ><;

    you already set driver as same as daz for heel bone, so I can not pose heel (it actually have weight to deform G3 heel) then it sometimes need with shoe pose work better. so hope you add heel L and R (with remain current driven heels) as child bone.

    (I just forgot to make all bones posalble when test a ^^; you already offer heel as same as before sorry!!)

    And I noticed now, the limit rotation for FK foot effect IK foot pose too. I could not figure out long time, why swich FK <> IK can aesy shake foot when I tweak around IK foot pose with use rev etc, then snap FK to IK, now FK limit rotation easy force my Foot pose to range in the limit. but after I hide the constrain, I never see issue.. (but please add roll 180 for both IK foot edit bones,, it must need..)

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