Commits with MHX-Rt not show twk bones for twsit bones

Issue #496 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I suppose there should remain some problems untill use new MHX add on.

After you separate panel for MHX as MHX add on, I can not find twist limbs bone as twk bones (free move deform bone) any-more.

Though they are still there as deform bones (but not be shown when I active tweak from add on layer panell, so I may only need to add shape and set armature layer.)
Then I feel is not it good you add tweak bone groups wiht set color. only for those deform tweak bones like this? so it is more clear devided it is not main pose bones but tweak as user free when user active tweak with pose bones.

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, I didn’t think that anyone would want to tweak the twist bones, so I removed them. It is easy to restore them, but do you really want them? Moving the twist bones is not anatomically correct, since they are located at the middle of the real bones.

    Tweaking the bend bones I can understand. The joints can move a little in their sockets.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    And Thomas which is better place to report MHX things? 🙂 (eg I have a request about MHX IK FK visible bone layer way)

    Usually when we snap FK to IK, I understand, user may plan to change mode from IK to FK, so basically you auto hide all IK bones.

    but for animation IK FK convert with keys for IK influence, sometimes it is not good. because user may need to snap IK to FK first but keep FK posing, then change pose IK with use the Influence weight. The problem is even though I keep visible IK FK , add on drive the visibility with snap FK <> IK function. but basically it need not . I can manage it, but easy set keys for IK bone, FK bone only, so as future I expect, if you can offer, which only snap but not effect current bone layers at al.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas no. you think you need to set shape as middle etc, but it is not so important how you generate shape for twk bones.

    eg you now hope to scale the hand writs shape, how you do it without use new shape key?

    The twk bones is best for each bones which have actuall weight. but they are parented for each pose (drive) bones.

    so we can free move it, without care bone relation (eg bend connect with twist)

    because you can easy use the general weight of twk bones to ahdust detail shape without think bone relation. (so they are child of each pose bone to move free) then it is not for main pose it is key of those tweak bones.

    though daz name as bend and twist and use it for daz rig. so we follow the way for posing. but to adjust or customize shape, bend or twist is not matter. (they simply used to customiize shape with use each bone weight. )

    I simply use tweak bones to deform the bone area. as same as spine bones. before you do not clear separate bone hieralchy to swithcer , FK, IK.. but now you did so. so without care complex problem we can use most of daz deform bone as tweak bones.

    then you can add twk bones for actuall bone segiments which have weight (bend and tiwst) and transform free.

    (no need to worry about,, lock or limit etc when we think twk bones. they are to tweak shape more free individually)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    If you see rig-fy actually it offfer same tweak bones, but I do not say it just to MHX make Rigi fy like.. we already have tweak options. then I suppose if user have used it, they never complain and notice those twist bones can free move when user need it, is more flexible. because it is only used for each frame shape adjust ment. (add smooth curve etc is user matter), you just offer option more tweaking. I do not know why you decide it is un-useful for every one.. because you actually added them for spine twist bones already.

    I do not think we can not use twist bone general weight for scale each axis, or transform, (of course rotate if you hope it, but I basically suppose scale and translate as same as facial bones weight, for pose it used twist or bend is not important for those free bones user only need to know how deform bones have weight.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, the twist tweak bones are back, even if they are anatomically wrong.

    Use this issue tracker. The Report a Bug buttons for both the mhx_rts and retarget_bvh addons now point to the import_daz tracker, and the other trackers have been disabled. I have been very unresponsive to issues with the bvh retargeter, and don’t want to repeat that mistake for the mhx rts. Keeping all bugs in a single tracker makes things easier for me.

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    OK thanks, I thought if you do not like it still or if there are bunch of user who not like to set twk bone for twist pose bones, I may self make it.

    .but I can not think other way to easy scale those twist bone mapped area without use the deform rig. I understand it not auto adjust position again, so it is only used after all auto defomation worked. as same as temp shape key for current frame., at least it follow switcher bones posing as child, without auto adjust rotation etc. And you already generate those bones as separate from switcher, then it may not cause problem, (only add in layer or remain as non user adjust bones directly)

    At same time, anytime I recommend new bone group for twk bones. . though we have visiblity layer but it not offer selection group. when we activate both. as you said it need to manuall controll (set value ) by keys, for animation so user may often need only select those twk bones and return it with each current posing. (default you had offered twk bones too).

    I see,, I hope to concentrate to use MHX so may request something about new MHX rts often. (may name as MHX rts topic when it need.

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