Can not make "all bone poseable," after import moprh

Issue #5 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

(I test with current official 2.81 and 2.82 recent beta) about both , it show same issue.

import genesis3 character

“import morph” which only change bone transform, eg SCLnecklength

click “make all bone poseable”

it not generate new bones for manuall posing, which discribed in here

Driven pose section. (recent version plug in manage them as morph)

So rig have same neck bones. (no new drv neck bones)

After all, there is no way to adjust neck bone scale manually. after import scale morph.

(because those bone scale parameter are driven by new morph, can not edit value any more from blender UI)

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Drv bones were only generated if the location or rotation channels were driven, but not scale. Now the scale channel is also taken into account, so I think the problem should be gone.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes thanks now it wroked.

    I hope to report , why mix using pose controller with manuall posing bone cause issue. but I think it seems almost imposible, then not request it to solve.

    (maybe it need more compelx rig I suppose)

    The problem is, even though plug in add new bone as each drv bone child,

    pose controller only use the drv bone, to change transform. then the pivot and

    local axis not same as child bone which we tweak from UI.

    About daz studio, how we mix use controller with manuall tweaking, it should be same. so no issue.

    eg If I rotate manually poseable bone.

    then use Scale controller for twist axis,

    the effect is different from what we see in daz studio.

    Becaues, in daz, it use rotated bone current local twist axis

    but in blender it use drv bone (not rotated) drv bone twist axis..

    This problem should happen, about translate , rotate, scale, once user manually transform generaeted bone,

    controller bone not follow their local axis and pivot position anymore.

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