morph preset naming

Issue #523 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

Thanks Thomas it is really helpful idea to manage “import morphs”, because I usually hope to genearte same custom morphs again and again.

At same time, if you name it as “morph preset”, usually user may expect it store each morph value as json file.. like “pose preset” etc.

From your description, (the link) I think it seems better, you name as “morph path preset”

Though I do not know you will offer “morph preset” it store each morph value of current rig, (like pose preset), but I think “morph path presets” is better naming to user understand the tool purpose.

(and I still expect, as future, if you may add morph preset function (export / import morph values in blender only) for current character with add on pose preset)

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It is of course not good if users misinterpret the name. Maybe the old name “favorite morphs” wasn’t so bad after all.

    I’m currently at work and don’t have access to Blender, but I think that you can use the Save Pose Preset tool to save morph presets as well, to be used both in Blender and DS. Load Pose definitely loads any combination of morphs from a .duf file.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks naming is not so big problem though.

    At same time, If add on can save/ load pose preset with any morphs, it somehow complex for me.

    because daz pose animation preset file will never include any shape morph. but only store pose (bone transform) + pose controller values.

    As you know for DS, pose controller or shape morphs are called as morph (so all pose controller or shape preset will be located in data/figure/morph directly. but when user save duf preset file, DS distinguish with the type.

    vendor, or user can free set “pose” or “shape” about their hand made “morph.dsf” , but when user save those morph value as preset, DS distinguish them.

    you can not save shape morph as pose preset.and you can not save pose (bone transform, and pose controller value) as shape preset. (DS will not show option to activate them when you save preset, only show morphs which fit to the preset type)

    When user need to save “Shape” morph values with “pose controller” (and bone transform”, they need to save as parameter preset. Though I do not know if your add on pose preset (duf) is not distinguish (because I suppose you do not add such type to import moprhs (shape / pose controller), so if it not matter for blender, it is welcom for me. (if I export such mix type preset with this add on, , I might not expect it work for DS, because DS only import pose controlelr value and bone transform value, when we import pose preset.duf (or I suppose DS will complain about other shape morph value which saved in the file.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    maybe simple case if it cause issue,,, when I save breast shape morph which I import from ds as custom morph..

    in daz to save these shape type morph value, (or PHMeye etc), I can only use shape preset, or property preset.

    you may only see morphs which categorized as pose I suppose. (Pose controller) so actually I can not save the animation (if I change those shape morph value, and set keys for each frame) as pose preset about those shape type morphs. I may need to save as property preset (DS seems change name I confirmed, before it is called as parameter preset)

    Though I may not plan to export such pose.duf to use them in daz studio, with this add on. (though I do not know if DS can load them as pose preset, then generate key in ds timeline or not)

    but anyway if I can export any shape or pose controller as pose.duf with this add on, then can import it for blender (not for daz) it is not matter. (thanks you confrim it, I may test it)

    About MHX, I may hope if you can enhance those preset things more (actually I think you may need not save as duf,) eg, I expect ,to save all setting FK and IK and influence value with user controll bone transform + daz morphs as MHX pose (or parameter) preset. (not for ds , just hope to save those as preset file for blender) and import for MHX rig character only.

    (so it not need to convert etc,, I simply hope to save current pose (and morph value) with MHX property values, with some options, (eg selected bone only or check morph only or IK , FK bone only, or save both bone transaform, so I can re-import and re-produce what I made for, without use blender library but as different preset file for the mhx character animation)

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Apart from a bug that I just fixed, you can save morphs in pose preset files and use them both in DS and Blender. I just checked and they can be loaded with the mhx rig too. What is stored in the duf file are the values of the raw rig properties, which drive bones and shapekeys as usual.

    That saving pose preset files could be useful in Blender too was really an unexpected bonus.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    Ok thanks you confirm . if you could import add on export file to daz (which include all type morphs),

    I suppose daz import preset not distinguish actually each morph type. so it is only matter when you save thoes preset in daz studio. About mhx specific props, I may ask again (after test them) thanks!

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