CloneGenesis morphs mess up fingers when posed

Issue #524 resolved
Ben created an issue

I’m trying to make use of the figure clone morphs that can be found in the Daz library (…\data\Daz 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Clones\).

They seem to work fine at first, when imported as custom morph - except the fingers get messed up when posed.

I have attached a screenshot.

Steps to reproduce:

  • import simple Genesis 8.1 (or 8) base male with the import plugin (“Import DAZ File”)
  • import “CloneGenesis8Female.dsf” (for example) from your library

    • I have tried all available import settings, none helped to solve the issue
  • set shape key to 1 - everything looks good

  • go into pose mode and pose one or more fingers - the fingers get messed up (see screenshot)

I have no idea if this is a bug or a problem with my settings.

Any help appreciated!

P.S.: this is my first issue here, if there is some other place to discuss such things, please let me know.

Comments (8)

  1. engetudouiti

    I think basically you can not import any clone morphs for posing.

    or you can not import any morph (like character FBM) which need to hard adjust bone to fit current morphed mesh. if you need to pose it well.

    You may not use clone, but can use real character morph in daz studio, then the current rig bone pos and deformed mesh (with morph) will be baked as rest pose rig, then you can imported the morphed shape characer correctly. (then you can pose it well)

    Basically I remember clone morph is not to morph and pose figure, but it is used to daz “auto fit” for different generation characters, as shape template (auto convert wordlobe meshes which can fit to the clone shape)

  2. Ben reporter

    Oh… that makes sense, of course. It never occurred to me that these morphs were never meant to be used this way. I’ll have to find another way to do this. Thank you!

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Did you get a warning that the tool found morphs which try to change the rest pose? A Daz morph is in general a combination of a shapekey, a pose, and a change in the rest pose (change bone head and orientation). Only the first two types can be imported into Blender. Here it looks like the shapekey is imported but the armature is unchanged. Unfortunately, this is a limitation in Blender, or rather DS that does something very unstandard, and there is really nothing to do about it. Avoid this kind of morph if it leads to problems.

  4. Ben reporter

    Thomas, thank you for your answer! I just had closed the issue. No, no warning. This is the output in the Blender console:

    File "C:\temp\g81male\g81male.duf" loaded in 2.119 seconds
    File paths cleared
    --- Pass 1 ---
    * CloneGenesis8Female
    --- Pass 2 (0 left) ---
    Folder "C:\daz3d\daz3dlib\data\Daz 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Clones" loaded in 0.203 seconds

    I’ll avoid morphs like this from now on and search for other ways. Thank you all for your help!

  5. engetudouiti

    btw it is not directly related with add on, but if you can describe why you plan to import clone file as morph, I think there should be way, without use clone. Though at current I do not pray much with genesis 8, so if daz clone have change the usage (or someone find unique way to use it for nother purpose), I do not know. Even though closed topic, if you will need some help for your purpose, (and it may related to import daz character with blender) ask again please.

  6. Ben reporter

    engetudouiti, thank you for being very kind and offering your help, I appreciate that. It was a lack of understanding on my side, thinking all morphs are created equal 🙂 Thomas explained the underlying issue. I have found transgender morphs on the DAZ shop and think they might fit my usecase. Thanks again 🙂

  7. engetudouiti

    Yes you need real character morph, which correctly adjust bone position with morph value which you need to apply. then if you found good propduct, you only need to apply it in daz studio, with mixing other morphs, and import it by this add on.

    Only one problem (and there still no way, to make it work), in blender we can not auto adjust bone with morph value like daz studio. (we can not set driver or constrain for rest bone[edit bone] position, rotation, like daz)

    Then in daz studio, you can free change morph value, with change bone position, but in blender, we can not do it. so when you change shape drastically, pose not work correctly.

    Then you need to decide character shape (how mixing morphs value), with use those character morph or gender convert morph in daz studio) . Then just import it with add on.

    As private future request (personally), I think if there will be simple character preset system, which can store rig postion, for current character shape (can not drive, but exchange rig position by rig preset when user need it, Though it is not so flexible like daz, but at least 3 or 4 character shape, user can swap with change morph value + rest bone tansform)

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