Last commit build MHX problem with posing

Issue #531 resolved
bouich jules created an issue

Hello, the last commits fix made a problem when import a pose with MHX.

please find the same sample pose in attachment.

Comments (11)

  1. engetudouiti

    Temporally, select hand FK and from blender menu, clear transform (not rotation) it correct most of issue.

    when import pose, bone transform happend to applied as FK hand matrix I suppose.

    or use non stretch option for FK and IK (it is new option added)

  2. engetudouiti

    I do not know why it happend only for specific pose like your attached pose.

    Do you see same issue with another pose?

  3. bouich jules reporter

    I tried with different pose same problem with right hand everything was working fine before last commit.

    they also work fine if i don’t convert the rig to MHX.

  4. engetudouiti

    Yes there seems something wrong for import pose function relate with bone location (translate)

    we did not notice it, because, before FK MHX bone connected (non translate) . Do not know why it worked with default rig though.

  5. engetudouiti

    If you really hope to use stretch hand or foot, for IK only but not strech for FK (it is how MHX work before) select FK hands (right and left) then in edit mode, check parented as connected.

    so all import pose work as same as before. (though I think Thomas may need to check why this happen, with conversion process even though we use non strech for FK)

  6. engetudouiti


    with OP attached duf pose,, even though I only select and then import pose with selected only,

    it locate left FK hand strange position. (set value for x y z location)

    The interesting thing is, actually OP duf not include translation at least for left hand.

                    "url" : "name://@selection/lHand:?translation/x/value",
                    "keys" : [ [ 0, 0 ] ]
                    "url" : "name://@selection/lHand:?translation/y/value",
                    "keys" : [ [ 0, 0 ] ]
                    "url" : "name://@selection/lHand:?translation/z/value",
                    "keys" : [ [ 0, 0 ] ]

    So I suppose, only about fk r hand translation, , MHX bone mapping is somehow wrong when import pose then, apply local translation value of other bone transform? (if we set connected, it never happen simply because, FK hand can not move)

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. Somehow my code for translations is wrong. This didn’t matter before, because all fk bones were either connected or had locked location, but this is no longer the case when the arms and legs are allowed to stretch. There are actually three fixes intended to avoid this problem:

    1. If the local translation should be zero it is set to zero.
    2. The local translations for the mhx fk hands and feet are always forced to be zero.
    3. Stretchiness is turned off by default when the mhx rig is created.

  8. engetudouiti

    Actually I can not find why it only happen for the left hand though,,, basically we only need to import translate bone pose for specific bone. (or user intend to translate bone) anyway hope it work for most of animation still. (hip translate etc)

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