new gloval adjuster

Issue #538 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

As for me it is useful. at same time I have 2 requests.

  1. maybe you intend, we do not need adjuster for vismes. but If you generate it for other standard morphs, I hope it too. Do not know other never mix vismes, but I usually do. (as non native , the english vismes can not offer real vismes. so I usually mix it, and I use it for non vismes purpose (just make expression with use lip deform) .

  2. ideally I may hope user can decide it. (generate or not) when import each group for custom morphs. from some reasons.

Though I suppose if you make it so, you may need to change save/load favorite morphs. so I do not know if you can make it work. if it is not difficult, I hope to decide it as option. (generate multipler or not)

Comments (20)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    OK the more think about import favorite morphs, I feel set option for each morph group may be difficult. so I only request, about 1 add adjuster for vismes too. (so add on generate multipler for each category or section always)

    And there seems case, witch not generate PHM category , slider and adjuster. (it may change when I load each morph type one by one, or use import standard morphs. sometime PHM auto generate with the category, when I import face unit, (maybe those PHM is used for face unit I suppose),

    or PHM slider only visible, when I use “show hidden slider” option?

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The previous commit was premature. Now adjustment is done in a way that can actually be useful. There are two global adjustment sliders, for bone translations and for shapekeys, in the Posing panel. Remember to turn off location limits to make the first work.

    We need adjustments if we want to use the standard morphs for extreme characters, from giants to dwarfs or children. Vendors may have provided custom jcms and expressions, but they are not useful for mixed characters. Adjustment is also necessary if we have scaled the character for some reason.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas there’s something odd here.

    I mean, in blender if I create a shapekey then scale the object, I get the shapekey scaled with the object I don’t need to do anything. So why do we have to scale the shapekeys from daz studio ?

    Below an example with the monkey, test scene included monkey.blend.

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks (actually I only suppose to sue full adjuster)

    1. adjust currently used expression (or custom vismes etc ) without change each value. (so easy make half mix expression)
    2. to import character JCM with the weight (eg only add vic 0.3 with other character, for main I already made custom JCMs

    So do not know how it will work for bone translations ^^;

    Then one thing I recently somehow becom nervous is , anyway I hope you keep mesh, when import character with duf and json(dbz) as same as daz without apply transform etc. (so in object mode, root node (armature and mesh) scale = 1.00, and when pose, all bone scale = 1.00 )

    I clear remember, when you first offer this add on without json option, we consider 3 case when user change figure size .

    1. user simply use root node scale. or manually pose bone scale then use it as the character shape
    2. user use scale controller property. (which drive bone or root node scale)
    3. user use vendor offer morph property, which not drive bone scale but adjust each rest bone size directly (adjust bone tip location ( length ) by “adjust rigging to shape” and vendor manually re-locate and Erc freeze)

    when user mix use those without intention, Import as FBX or collada change mesh size. We could not manage them well. at that time I offered all case real example pic, and you confirm each, then finally you make it work to bake all shape and rig as json data.

    (so how we tweak character in daz, they come with current rig position, size, and keep perfect same mesh) without apply scale) = we only need to concentrate, zero pose character shape, with use pose scale etc as I like,, after all perfect same size, and shape character will be imported as blender rest pose shape of character.

    If I need to consider, how I set root node scale in daz, or which morph may change bone scale , (daz do not clear separate, Scale = pose or shape, when controller set as pose, it treated as pose, if vendor set controller as shape, it not supposed as pose controller, even though it drive same node scale..) or it actually change rest bone size (ERC freeze), for each character with deform mesh , many my character which I imported with add on before will not show same size in blender anymore.

    (so I confirmed, your add on always show same size as rest pose even though I mix use those way when import then I really often mix them ^^; (set root scale as 0.97 + my custom root node scale morph (which I often set without intention + some popular age morph which change figure size and proportion)

    So please keep it (about scale thing) as same as before (anyway add on will import same size character without apply scale etc for figure , rig, and clothings)

    , I do not expect, bone scale controller, may work perfectly same way when import.

    and about prop I actually do not worry, if there was some miss import scale.. (adjust character scale is really difficult to keep same clothing etc which used in daz, once it change, I need to modify all scene in daz studio which I use same character shape + each clothing for the scene)

  5. engetudouiti reporter


    it is global adjuster for currently used morphs.

    if you hope to control (change values) multi shape keys strength, like half or 1/3 or twice, at once, untill Thomas offer this option, you may need to make it by your self. = you need to set driver for all shape keys as multiple + generate prop as slider in UI. where you hope to adjust currently used shape keys as globally.

    if you only change one shape keys for each pose, or expression, or shape, you may need not it. it is almost same,, we use X button to reset each group morphs. (now you can adjust all too with multipler )

    if you only use one shape keys , you do not need such reset option. but you may use X button to clear each group morphs. and It is same some daz morph products actually offer such multipler morph. then only user hope to use it, change the value. (do not touch it or ignore it, when I need not change strength but controll by each props only)

    As for me it cause no harm if it work as it need. (if it auto change something, eg, reset funciton or import morphs, it need to report as bug.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Alessandro, consider the following scenarios:

    1. Import character
    2. Scale x 10
    3. Import expression (angry + angry_div2).

    No need to adjust anything.

    1. Import character
    2. Scale x 10
    3. Import expression (angry + angry_div2).
    4. Apply rest pose

    Now you need to adjust bone translations x 10 and shapekeys x 1.

    1. Import character
    2. Scale x 10
    3. Apply rest pose
    4. Import expression (angry + angry_div2).

    Now you need to adjust bone translations x 10 and shapekeys x 10.

    The main intended use is analogous to the last case: import a giant or a dwarf with a dbz file, and import morphs made for a standard character.

  7. engetudouiti reporter


    1. import character
    2. import morphs (and include controllr which translate)

    Then change rig scale * 1.3 , will it effect the controller which pose bone location value? or controller auto adjust the translate value? I have never thought the case. but I may scale character. (after finish set up and import morphs)

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    Ok so this is to fix the morphs when we apply the rest pose to a different scale. Thank you Thomas and Engetudouiti for the explanation.

  9. engetudouiti reporter

    OK I have question, when I scale root node as 0.94 (actually I often set so for female) in daz studio. and simply import it in blender. (armature node scale = 1.00)

    then I import some shape detail morphs (PBM) which simply move mesh verts only.

    do I need to adjust morph strength or it not show same deform as daz?

    because when I import character (which node scale change in daz), by this add on, it already bake the scale. it seems almost same as case 3 (apply scale) (or add on auto check the duf node scale, and auto adjust scale when import shape key morph? I hope so.. because usually I did so about most of character morphs (custom shape morph) , I may check it later.. (add the detail morph in daz, and add same value in blender, for scale change character)

  10. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Transforms made in DS are baked in the dbz file, so this should be the same as case 3.

    Adjustments replace the old strength option when importing morphs, except adjustments are dynamic and strength only worked for shapekeys, not bone translations.

  11. engetudouiti reporter

    it seems maybe all jcm may need to adjust with daz scene node scale I suppose. and if user make the character witch directly tweak scale of bones as pose transform. after all jcm may not show same effect in daz and blender.

    if we direct import jcm or morph files dsf which describe verts transform,, it will be adjusted or scaled with the bone pose scale in daz studio. (after add described morph delta, they will be scaled by each bone or root node)

    but when user import such character, those bone scale value are baked already. so all morphs (shape keys) may not show same deform when used as 1.00.

    I not use so complex morph, but I know quite a few shape morphs tweak bone scale as pose transform. then user use it as shape morph (to decide character shape)

    so when JCM worked, it may show different deform, daz and blender about those character.

    to avoid it, (if I need precise effect), not make character which adjust bone scale in daz studio. but use morph which vendor not adjust node scale, but change edit bone (so each bone have no transform value) when export character to blender. I may need to check these,, next I generate character…

    or when import morph, add on actually need to import morph as obj which already applied each morph in daz studio and generate each shape key (jcm or pbm or PBM etc) from blender test pose shape (all bone no pose trnasform) I feel.

  12. engetudouiti reporter

    It was good to know… I already include bounch of such “shape” morphs which adjust some bones scale. like this.

    eg I find sholder morph to adjust my character shape. (I already baked it for this character and have used it in blender)

    as you know those controlled scale never return as zero, even though I use zero pose. so it maybe really difficult to check each bone scaled or not.

    because ds treat the controller value as shape morph value. so even though I use zero pose, the collar bone already scaled as final value (as rest pose character shape)

    It is same some age morphs, they directly manipulate root node or bone scales as pose transform value. (then not adjust edit bone length etc) but they are categorized as shape morph. then when zero pose, it remain the adjusted scale.

    so maybe those character show different deform when we import same morphs as dsf and apply same strength then compare them. is not it?

  13. engetudouiti reporter

    About these node scale things, I almost ignored about import morph things. basically I do not import scale morphs which may try to change bone scale. so did not think it serious. but it seems need to consider, unitll export character from daz. if user hope to import jcms or detail morphs and to get same effect.

    The difficulity thing is, daz do not offer reset scale only. and it need to reset each bone scale fin value. I often adjust detail shape in daz studio, by use many vendor shape morphs. body and face. even though I only use character morphs some fantasy female morph include node scale change and try to show the shape. My main use morphs not include such scale for bone, but I found some bones change scale without intention.

    basically I suppose we should not include any bone transform when export character from daz, if user hope to import jcms and work almost same as daz.

    the new adjust may work when user change root node scale of the character (by morph, or manually) . but it can not adjust for each bone scale (and I do not request it, but I think if Thomas confirm what I menitoned, some Faq may need for daz set up section. (of course most of case, we do not notice it, but if actually import and compare with same strength ,there should be some difference. for shape morphs ( shape keys))

    = when export character which include bone scale change,, then import morphs (jcm or detail morphs) not show same effect in blender, so basically we may better avoid it. (user need to check it with select each bone if they change scale (fin) by some shape morphs. (I found it for sholder or, collar etc)

    even though user set zero pose, those bone scale change remain. untill user directly input 1.00 for all bone scale property in daz.

  14. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas with recent commit, you seems remove any adjuster option. (maybe you not intend it?)

    I import basic morphs and some cutom morphs, but about both case

    I do not find any adjuster slider which can set for.

    (as import custom morph option, you remove strength, it is OK, but it not generate multilple slider any more

    so at current there seems no way to adjust character JCM etc

    I set global setting, experimental (scale driver?) on. (but it is related?) and adjuster on.

    But at least manuall install each morph category, it not generate slider.

  15. engetudouiti reporter

    OK I found it in pose setcion option (you said so sorry), Yes it actually need for user who import character include scale for root node without notice it. And I think it is reasonable. because it better not treat same way as usuall morph sliders. (it is advance setting, which user only need to adjust it for some case)😀

    Actually I did not notice it long time. (though I never try to change scale and apply after import character)

    At same time, it not solve user who need to set different JCM weight for each character. so I hope Thomas keep at least one of them. (generate multiple slider for each morph groups , or keep strength option which auto multiple strength for import shape keys, and generate them, user group) once you made it so)

    About those 2 option is not same meaning as global slider which need to apply for all morphs when root node scale (armature root bone / armature object scale) change and applied.

    I thanks you offer new ajudstment opton, for Root scale things,(actually It is important) but now you remove option which can separately set weight for group morphs . You may better keep it as option.

    (no one can answer which is important option, but I can say mix use 2 character and import character jcm is more usuall work flow, than user change scale and apply then import morphs in blender)

  16. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The adjust sliders are object properties, so they are different for each character. So you can adjust the morph strengths for each character independently. But I don’t see a need to have different adjustments for different morph types for the same character.

  17. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas, yes. adjust sliders should be different for each character. (if user actually change scale and “apply” in blender, or user export with change bone scale) , then it need to change all morphs at same time (for shape key or driver translate bone) so I understand, your new option actually improve the problem.

    But different adjustment for each group morph only must need if you forgive user import mix character and jcm. you said, user can use mix shape keys, but as practically it not. even though all character jcm have same name, and same driver expression, if you actually mix one by one, I do not think user manage such tool to represent import character jcm with use the character weight (used in daz scene)

    before there was “strength” which can user use for the purpose. but now you remove it, and new multipler work for all morphs. so it can not set weight invidually for group morphs anymore.

  18. engetudouiti reporter

    for the node scale change it work as Thomas intend so I make this as solved.. (though I do not test it can correctly adjust complex driver bone translate or not,)

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