import expression + Make all bones posable change drv bone scale (with any option)

Issue #553 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I test G3 only, then after import expression only, + make all bones posable always add un-set scale for tongue bones.

I think it related with scale morphing issue. but even though I set adjust = none. it change drv tongue bone scale as twice.

  1. load g3
  2. import expression
  3. make all bones posable

I suppose why it happen, (you try to import scale morph, so it effect bone strucutre (when add new pose bone) for those drv bone hieralchy

(do not know which commit generate this issue )


OK it seems I set experimental import scale morph option (I do not know if it was default or not, maybe I activate it)

cause this issue. so I change priority . if I uncheck import scale morphs, it seems not happen.

Comments (10)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    That is one reason I may not plan to import body bone pose controller + make all bones posable.

    usually I only import facial bone pose controller. (because when make all bones posable. body drv bone hieralchy become deep. and usually it cause issue when I mix use bone scale + controller which change bone scale.

    about facial bone, only tongue drv bone will have deep hieralchy so it may effect tongue only,

    Then I confrimed, if I keep not import scale morph, this problem not happen.

    I really feel it should be diffiulct to set scale driver for bone props. when add on need to manage each drv bone and user pose bone, and new fin bone in deep hieralchy like tongue.

    maybe samething happen, when you import body pose controller which effect bone scale. then try to make all bones posable I suppose.

    (it may relate with bone parent set up too. so even though I can manage for one case with change bone relation setting (inherit parent scale or not) for each bone (drv or fin or pose bone)carefully , it usually cause different problem I feel)

  2. Rose Odimm

    I have this problem too but after “press make all bone poseable” if you do something one step forward like shift+a add plane and then you press ctrl+Z the tongue fix.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    It feel interesting, but it still keep all bones posable? because I do not think the ctrl Z can remove already appiied scale for drv bone. . if it remove the applied scale (auto) with ctrl Z, I means those added bone may disappear. (return without all bones posable)

    anyway I may test again later. (at current I simply not use the experimental option)

  4. Rose Odimm

    All bone still pose able one Ctrl+Z undo the global one step it mean it undo only the add new object.
    I’m not sure about your case but for me import pose will not work if import body morph and not press all bone poseable button but after active all bone pose able button the import pose will work correctly so after press Ctrl+Z my import pose button still work fine and get the tongue re-scale to normal as bonus.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks I test later. though do not know why the action can return scale. If so there seems up-date bug I suppose. (for blender side or add on side I do not know) anyway I may need not import scale morph at current, then I simply not activate the experimental option. may report again for test only.

    (because I can not confirm it still work well when I import morph which controll tongue)

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Should work now. The problem, which primarely affects the Tongue In-Out morph, had to do with the driver that corrects for scale inheritance: Blender bones inherit scale by default, DAZ bones don’t. The driver used a single-prop target like pose.bones["tongue01"].scale[1], but now it uses a transform target instead. This doesn’t make a difference for the driver itself, but Make All Bones Posable only recognizes transform targets.

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks ^^ still scale morph is experimental? or basicaly it work without problem?

    I afraid if the new global setting scale. conflict those scale moprh. when I use both.

  8. Jochen Sutter

    Is it possible to fix this tongue issue afterward for already finished figures imported with V 1.6.0 ?
    For new figures imported with in V 1.6.1 the tongue works.

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