MHX Insert FK/IK Keyframe disables switching

Issue #56 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

Having a MHX Rig selected, on the tab “MHX FK/IK Switch”

You insert a keyframe of any of the values from “IK Influence” (see attachment “fkik.PNG”, the red square)

Then if you click on any of the FK IK Switch buttons (see attachment “fkik.PNG”, green squares), it won’t switch, it will only change the active bone layer to the one matching the button you clicked, but it will leave the IK Influence value untouched. Same if you click on the Snap buttons, it will snap the bones, but won’t change the IK Influence.

I think it is indeed a bug. But anyways you you can then change manually the IK Influence value to whatever you need, but it isn’t supposed to work like that.

Step to Reproduce: See the attached video.

Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Sorry that I haven’t looked into this yet. It was a long time since I thought about the mhx rig and I am quite rusty.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In the latest commit, the FK/IK buttons set a key if the channel already has keys. The Snap FK/IK buttons do the same. I think this is the right thing to do, because if there are keys the snapping is lost otherwise.

  3. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Now switching with the “FK” or “IK” buttons work even if you have keys on the values, but if you have keys, the Snap button only snaps, but does not switch to FK/IK, it’s a minor issue, but it’s there, thanks for your work man, I really appreciate what you’re doing, once I release my game I’ll donate you man, regards.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    After thinking a bit about this, I agree that it is more intuitive that the snap tools toggle FK/IK as well. Now they do.

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