Cannot convert to MHX

Issue #569 resolved
Abby Sciuto created an issue

I have a feeling I know why it’s doing this, I updated the importer but I never updated the script in Daz for exporting the .dbz, so now with a character I’m currently working on and a Genesis 8 Base Female model I also exported using the same script, neither of them will convert to MHX and I absolutely do not want to use Rigify anymore, it’s inferior in my opinion but that’s besides the point.

I’ve tried previous versions of the importer but I don’t actually know how long this has been an issue for, I’ve only just noticed it, the version I’m on currently is, I updated the Daz script and exported the model again and sure enough it works just fine, I believe I last updated the script on one of the 1.6.0 revisions though.

I’ve included the base g8f to see if anyone else can replicate the issue and hopefully figure out what the problem is, I don’t really fancy the idea of having to reimport my character and manage transferring everything from the previous version to the newer one, not everything transfers correctly, drivers don’t follow over and such.

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This bug was around for a while last week, but I think should be gone by now. You need to reimport the scene with an updated version of the plugin, though. The plugin identifies the type of rig during import, and that identification temporarily failed last week.

    Your character can be converted to mhx if you manually type in DazRig = genesis8 in the Utilities panel.

  2. Abby Sciuto reporter

    Oh my god thank you so much, been in a foul mood today because of this, the rig field was actually empty but upon filling it with ‘genesis8’ it converts to MHX no problem, in future I will be making sure I update script in Daz when I update the Importer but also checking this field to make sure everything’s fine.

    This does bring up a point though, rather than putting it in here as an issue to find out how to solve the problem, this kind of information would be really nice to have in a Discord Server, asking in there and having people be able to talk to one another would be really nice, a server dedicated to Diffeomorphic.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Maybe I shouldn’t have shown that, because you are not supposed to change the DazRig manually. The mhx tool will crash if the armature doesn’t have the expected bones. The importer looks at some select bones to distinguish between the different genesis generations. However, last week I run into problems because some clothes have the same bones and were misidentified as character rigs. Sorting that out gave rise to this bug.

    As for a discord server, I don’t want to set it up and administrate it, and I already have too many sites to monitor. So if it happens, it will not involve myself.

  4. Abby Sciuto reporter

    Well in this case though, all the bones were present but that field was the problem, if I convert the rig to MHX after filling it there’s zero issues, it converts absolutely fine, the forearm twist bones seem to be pointing at the wrong bone for what manipulates them but changing that to the correct ones has them function as expected.

    I’m sure changing that could be a problem if the skeleton isn’t correct though but since it hasn’t crashed when converting and hasn’t crashed when manipulating the bones, I’d assume in this instance it’s fine, not ideal, but fine, in future though I’d be use the updated Importer script in Daz though as I’ve said.

    Regarding the Discord though I understand how you feel, you’d have to manage that and it can be a bit of hassle, especially when considering the sheer number of people that more than likely use the importer, it’d probably be quite tiring on your end so it’s fair enough.

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