winders ?

Issue #571 closed
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

I just saw the blog post on winders, and I’m not sure if this is useful but it’s just to let anyone interested know that we can bend multiple bones at once in blender, thus to get the same as winders do.

Just select individual origins to rotate multiple bones.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The tool has existed since at least 2017, and the technique was implemented in the first mhx rig that I did for makehuman. So it is just an existing tool that became slightly more versatile.

  2. engetudouiti

    The good thing is we can mix use usual bone rotaiton (change pivot ) and the control winder bone.

    if I quick rotate, I do not hope to select individuall bones. blender not offer quick select all child bones with pose mode. (so you need to return edit mode) or use group or use cicle select etc..

    but winder can do just select one bone. and set keys only for the channell. with keep un-visilbe all tiny bones. at same time I hope to know if I generate winder, it still work improted pose controlelr which move bones?

    (eg I have imported some hair pose bone controll morphs for pony tails ) then I make it all posable, if I generate winder, how it change? all pose controller still work? (though I do not know actually I use both. but some pose morphs adjust shape at same time = it is strong point to import hair morphs (pose bones at same time, change shape more better like windy hair)

  3. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Mostly agreed, just to add that select linked (ctrl L) works quite fast in pose mode to select bone chains.

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