Scene light is correctly imported?

Issue #585 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I made custom top coat node, (I have a few suggestion about the top coat custom node), but unitll it, I hope to check current light import setting to get same effect (so can check custom shader work correclty)

I made real simple scene, with 2 daz light. (without env and camera), then import it.

My question is, to get same visuall, do I need to change setting in blender? (like change gamma or change Scene color management


without it even though I offer my custom version (It try to circulate each option with set daz weight value correctly with use add and mix shader ,for fresnel , reflectivity, and weight option correctly)

, we can not see it actually work or not.

It may not bug (at least I do not think so), but hope to know it is reasnable or not, and to make it work correctly what setting I need to change.

I import light and scene as overwrite (so add on generate 2 spot light with set the lumminance in blender) the I remove default light source in blender. (so current scene only keep daz spot light with my setting)

and I simply use bsdf option.


in blender

The blue tint is generated with top coat color. and the red tint is generated with base glossy color with use different roughness.

I plan to show my custom version, but about base color , it seems already not show correctly at least with view (cycles),

if so it means I need to change light setting, or we remain some problem about base glossy circulation.
(I suppose it is almost light setting problem though) anyway, hope to get some info about this issue.

test scene duf (of the pic) so actually load it to blender, and tell me reason please. (I hope to confirm glossy base effect work almost same as daz >> so I can show custom clear coat shader it correctly added with weight )

Comments (7)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Then actually to get almost same effect for the base glossy, (red component) I need to change light setting in blender

    from 3.333 W to at least 33 multiple with 10 I suppose. (I really do not know it is unit problem or not)

    anyway, now I adjust it by simply multiple 2 light W with 10 (33.3W) if you have some clear function, tell me please
    (I suppose some miss conversion seems occured for scene light conversion)

    Then I found , add on seems set spot light position as mirror?

    because now I use same view (Front) in blender and daz with authographic.

    then it show this.

    Though I change light setting in DS to use same gometry type, but the angle is same. so it seems mirrored as postion with shadow. (I noticed the spot seems mirror too)

    At same time I really hope to recommend my customize topcoat node ^^ (it really work with any option, without curve )

    but keep to use same daz setting value = user can easy change mode and adjust how mix top coat, as same as da

    so I hope untill it, find correct light setting to see effect for base glossy shader. >> then compare my customize one.

    anyway I attach my shader nodes scene file. so Hope Thomas carefully test it, if it work well .

    (I add my custom conversion function node, which change daz reflectivity to blender fresnel ior correctly)

    the mode have basically 2 option. 1 weight (it only use mix node as same as daz)

    2. fresnel or reflectivity mode (it need to use add shader correctly)

    about all case we can adjust the weight as same as daz. (top coat weight value)

    at current add on auto change them (because I suppose you use mix shader, then need to change factor drastically)

    check this pic, and compare setting please. I suppose it work really well (enough for me)

    it is a little bit complex, so I attach my blend scene. if you need it. ( to use this custom node, user just need to input same value with change mode as same as daz. basically it should work. )

    Though I still not try custom curve option, but after all, it may only need to change the factor of fresnel I suppose. (add new curve function)

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Just to confirm about base shader contribution, I do not change it, (I simply use my ior converter, but it not related with the top coat (the green spot glossy) effect at all. so you precisely check , you may better set Top coat weight as 1.00 then change mode as weight or fresnel (reflectivity) as you need.

    weight mode = 0 , try to use reflectivity / fresnel (ior) to adjust top glossy. about both case we can only use ior for blender.

    then with reflective mode, I use custom converter node. (so you pick daz reflective for top coat, input it)

    with fresnel node simply input same ior value. (about this case I do not connect converter, but directly input ior as same as daz) at least for my custom version.

    If I import scene with current add on, it change the top coat weight drastically, so user never can adjust weight any more. at same time, about mix mode, actually daz not count fresnel but only use mix by weight for top coat glossy (top layer glossy shader)

    so for weight mode, I suppose we should not use any fresnel node in blender but simply mix with base correctly with weight 1, it only show top layer as same as blender glossy shader without any base layer effect.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    And I use anistropic shader, (maybe add on will import when I use the weight I believe so)

    I do not know how you already improved about it, so you already adjust it I suppose, but with test recent blender,

    I notice the daz antistrophic weight value not show same effect in blender, usually with daz 0.3 blender show it more hard effect. so I adjust it by power with 2.2 , I do not take time to controll it, so just make it as socket value to user adjust it when it need, but basically keep it as 2.2 may cause no issue. without you really need same anistrophic shape.

    About this, I think as covnerteir, it may need to mix with defualt glossy shader, but usuall work-flow we may only need one anistrophic shader and keep weight as 0, should work (I suppose so).

    At same time, I do not care, if you auto convert ior with current way. but how convert weight of top coat may better re-consider it. current way is not flexible. (you convert it as your way, then I can not adjust it like weight 0 to 1.0 as same as daz, withotu you offer your conversion function, and basically when I input weight as 0.5, I hope add on show 0.5 as weight, if current way need to change it as 0.1 or 0.022 etc as mix factor, it is not useful as custom node. without it perfectly work. (I do not think so) for any combination.

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Hm,, I think importer can import light pos correclty. (but it seems change with the daz light type,) then it usually can not circulate (convert) daz luminans for photometric light as blender W.

    Though I suppose with some light type , it may change. (in daz studio and blender).

    Then I did not take it serious before, but my conversion Reflectivity >> IOR still not show correctly. (it can convert blender specular value of Principled shader as IOR perfectly)

    but DAZ Reflectivity is different parameter, which seems not use fresnel weight / (IOR) I feel.

    I can clear see even though I set Reflectivity as 0, daz mat still show glossy color and reflection about mesh edge (freslen). then with up reflectivity, it gradually reflect the middle part with view. so I think I can not convert it as ior value, most of problem why Thomas and alessandro need to change ior value with math func caused, actually daz do not simply mix shader with fresnel. at same time, I know yours have up-dated to work more correctly. (show same glossy as possible as you can)

    So not request to change it, but I may ask Thomas if you will have time future, ask daz developer directly, How daz use Reflectivity when add glossy.

    I almost confrim daz not Mix shader, but add glossy component. at same time, I do not think reflective use fresnel function. (it may mix fresnel + gaze angle >> it can controll middle (non fresnel part) reflection. at least many pic which guide reflectivity, show it increase non fresnel part reflection. (so the problem is how daz count the reflectivity, and use it with fresnel (Ior define).

    Practically I suppose, if we clear understand about Daz reflectivity, we should have same glossy, without change Ior value at all.

    (at least with reflectivity option, we have no property which we can set IOR, so I suppose daz keep ior (fresnel) as 1.5 then add the reflectivity component to get final glossy, then it is added (not mixed) with diffuse layer by glossy weight value.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    When I import spot light (photometric). it never show light strength correctly. (distance light seems work)

    Then I happend to find relialbe (for me at least it work better than current conversion for spot light)

    so report in another topic and close it (it merge some different things sorry)

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