Material Editor have some issues.

Issue #586 resolved
东方夕惕 created an issue

Blender 2.93.1, commit f1b393e.

After import default G81 Female, launch Material Editor, hit “Skin” or “Skin-Lips-Nails“, the selection doesn’t change.

And I hope the tanslucency radius setting in Material Editor can set beyond 1. Because I often import characters when blender’s scene unit scale is 0.01 and addon’s global unit scale is 1. That means 1 unit is 1cm, and the character size is real world size.

In that situation, the translucency radius could beyond 1.

Comments (10)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In the last commit the upper limit on vector-like entries like the radius is removed. I also removed it for colors, since Blender allows the rgb values to be > 1. Both vectors and colors are still limited from below by 0.

    The selection does change for me; Skin is only skin, Skin-Lips-Nails also include lips, fingernails and toenails. The editor opens witht he skin-lips-nails materials selected, so hitting that button first doesn’t change anything.

  2. 东方夕惕 reporter

    The radius now can beyond 1, thanks.

    But the selection in material editor is still strange on my computer.

    When I hit Launch Material Editor, it shows like image 1. Then I hit none, it shows like image 2. Then I hit Skin or Skin-Lips-Nails, the selection remain like image 3.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, I don’t get that result. The Skin and Skin-Lips-Nails buttons select different materials.

    However, the selection depends on the material names and viewport colors, and can be confused. The tool knows about a few skin names (Face, Torso, Arms, Legs), and all materials with the same viewport color is considered as skin, including any geograft material. So if the lips and nails have the same viewport color as the skin, they will be selected too.

    But you can always deselect the lips and nails explicitly, of course. However, in my experience, it is best to tweak the lips and nails together with the skin first, and change their colors later. That’s why skin-lips-nails is the default selection.

  4. 东方夕惕 reporter

    Ok, now I understand why my selection does’t change.

    These materials have same viewport color since I import character with Original option chose in global Viewport color setting.

    Thank you for your detailed explanation.

    It's my fault. I should read the documentation carefully.

  5. 东方夕惕 reporter

    “Scatter Anisotropy” in Material Editor can’t set to negative values now.

    Can Material Editor only update one selected category such as “Volume“?

    Sometimes I only want to change the “Volume” settings of selected materials, but material editor always make all values same as active one. I don’t want that, because some values in other categories are different between materials.

    Someting like this, just update selected category’s settings and don’t affect other category.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. I thought all scalars were limited from below, just like vectors and colors, but apparently the anisotropy is an exception.

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