How to remove Custom Morphs in V1.6.0?

Issue #588 resolved
Jochen Sutter created an issue

I can’t find the “remove custom Morphs” in V1.6.0 as described in the V1.5 documantation. Is there another way to remove custom morphs in V1.6.0?

Comments (10)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The new morphing system has many advantages, but one disadvantage is that it is much harder to remove morphs. Therefore, the remove custom morphs button was removed. There is a tool which removes an entire category. You can use that and then reimport the morphs that you want to keep.

    Moreover, I’m not sure that the remove category button really cleans out everything related to those morphs. Some properties and drivers may be left behind, so the best thing is to not remove morphs at all. If you an unsure if you want some morphs, you could always save a copy of the blend file before loading them, and go back to it if the morphs were not needed.

  2. jeroen b

    The morphs dialogue's often contain long rows of items that can make it a bit hard to use. As an alternative to removing morphs, would it perhaps be possible Thomas to add a button that will hide/unhide everything unselected?

  3. engetudouiti

    It is really useful (make funcion to hide/unhide UI slider). I hope if it can be.

    But I suppose to achive it, Thomas need to add new propertys for all raw morphs, which can store visiblity (TRUE/ FALSE) .


    Rig[“morph1”] may need one more visibility property Rig[“morph1_vis”] = (TRUE/FALSE)

    case 2

    Rig.dazmorph_vis[“morph1”] = (TRUE/FALSE) which can check current all raw prop visiblity with the morph name.

    The selection is used for many purpose, so we can not use same property for the purpose.

    (it may be used temporally, to set the visiblity)

    Then use the TRUE or FALSE to show the slider or simply group as “Hidden” then gather them so user can close it. (they gathered as hidden group)

    but it should take time to check it work for all current morph functions ^^;

    And if we hide morph by selection, at same time we need reverse function, which make visible selected sliders (shown in UI again with keep each category) so I suppose not hide but gather as “hidden group” may easy (so it can keep selection for each slider as same as visible gorup sliders, >> user close it as group, and we can use selection, when it need to be categorized as visible again = slider return to default group (like face unit etc)

  4. engetudouiti

    You may need to check add on version. I requested some about remove custom morphs last month (they have removed temporally), then Thomas return those functions (but not confirm all work or not, because new morph system). At least version or later, You should find “remove categorys” activated when you select character rig.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You can load custom morphs into separate categories to control the visibility of groups of morphs. Or you can use the search field to only display a group of morphs.

  6. engetudouiti

    Yes but those 2 ways may not same as OP and I may hope ^^;

    If we know which morph we hope to hide, I can set Hide category when import morphs. but usually we do not have clear decision when import morphs.

    it ofthen change after we set category and import. (some morph may not need = hope to hide temporally with this scene…. etc…

    Though it seems luxury request to set hide/unhide y or change morph group about UI slider, as we need after import morphs

    (and I know, it should make current morph system un-stable for a while, untill check all case and remove bug which caused by commit for this issue).

  7. Jochen Sutter reporter

    Thank you engetudouiti. I have updated to and there is the missing “Remove Caregrories” and it works fine. The “Save-” and “load poses” button are gone now, but I can do it over “save pose preset” and “import pose”. But I still have a question about that. Can you also save and load faceexpressions and custom morphs expressions as presets?

  8. engetudouiti

    Yes the save pose preset have option which include morph or bone pose or Action. so you may try each option for your purpose. (I still did not test it enough though, basically it work for all morph property as same as bone pose preset of the rig.

    (I suppose even tough we add hand made custom morph by this add on function, which not shown in ds, it still work when save and import pose for blender)

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