Bone constraints hierarchy copy

Issue #595 closed
Vadim Temkin created an issue

This is just a question. Is there a way to set the bone constraints for the whole hierarchy from, let’s say hair, to a figure? I mean, for example, when I pose Michael, I can manually set the hierarchies for the hair, the brows, the eyelashes with bone constraints copy for corresponding bones of Michael and all is good. But is there a setting in DAZ Importer (or is there an easy way to do it otherwise)?
Sorry, if the answer is obvious, I am new to Diffeomorphic, and pretty new to Blender in general.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I think you are asking for the Merge Rigs button, which is normally the first thing to do after a character has been imported. That gives you a single armature for all meshes that make up the character. Or did you mean something else?

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