Getting warning saying "could not copy vertex weights to HD objects" on a couple objects when importing an HD export in Blender

Issue #619 resolved
Aaron J. Olson created an issue

Hello, I have tried Googling this issue to see if anyone already had an answer. I have a model with several pieces of clothing. The base model is an HD model with a couple levels of subdiv, the clothing is either at 1 subdiv or base (because there is no subdiv available, it is not an HD object). There are a lot of clothing objects on the model + some geografts. When I do the HD export it exports with no error. When I import into Blender everything comes in fine, except that I get a warning about “could not copy vertex weights to HD objects” on a couple clothing items. There are 12 other clothing items on the model with the same settings (as far as i can tell) that are transferring over fine. I have no idea why and I am trying to debug it. Anyone have any suggestions for things I could try?

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It means that the generation of multires levels failed. Vertex weights can only be copied between meshes with the same number of vertices. A HD mesh with multires has the same number as the base mesh, but a true HD mesh has more vertices.

  2. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    “Vertex weights can only be copied between meshes with the same number of vertices.” - This is very useful to know, thank you.

    ”A HD mesh with multires has the same number as the base mesh, but a true HD mesh has more vertices.” - yikes that is confusing lol is there a way to determine which is which ahead of time (multires-HD vs True HD) on the DAZ side or do we just have to debug this error in Blender at import time?

    Thank you for the info Thomas. I was able to resolve the issue by reducing the subdiv level on the problematic clothing items to 0 and then going though the HD export process as usual. With the subdivs set to 0 they imported with the transfers correctly. I will mark this issue as resolved.

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