Unable to find my whole expressions library, not sure how to update the pathing in "update morph paths"

Issue #622 resolved
Aaron J. Olson created an issue

Hello, I am having issues bringing in expression libraries from 3rd party downloads. When I click “Update morph paths“ and then “import expressions“ I see 8 expressions, Afraid_HD, Angry_HD, etc, all of which live in C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\data\Daz 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Expressions\
but I have other expressions, that have been downloaded in 3rd party packages, that live in places like C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Expressions\Darkside\Genesis 8 Female

and if I am in DAZ and select my model in the scene and go to Posing → Pose Controls → Head → Expressions
I am shown a huge list there. If I use those sliders on any given expression in there, most of them work to some extent depending on the face.

Is the expressions path diffeomorphic configurable? I would like to be able to get a larger portion of my expressions library imported into Blender. Not sure if this is a bug or just user error on my part (I am guessing most likely ignorance on my part).
any ideas how I might be able to resolve this?

Comments (4)

  1. engetudouiti

    As Xin said, each import morphs (Expression, face unit, etc) will only import daz offer default morphs (all user can use it) without import any other product.

    (so basically they are included in default generation character pakcage when they released or up-dated)

    Then import custom morphs are import user hand made morphs or vendor offer morphs. (or you find free morph then download it)

    As for my experience, you may better not try to import too many custom morphs, but actually check them then make stable morph sets for current character first.

    Once you decide which morph will need as base character, you can save those morph path as Favorite morphs. (it just record moprh path which you currently imported by add on)

    1. import all standard morphs by import morphs
    2. import custom morphs, with check daz scene.
    3. after check all morph work well, save the import morph path as save Favorite morph

  2. engetudouiti

    And to get the directory of the morph which you use in daz, you need to check the morph name and serch by your PC file exploler.

    About any morphs, to verify dsf fle name, and get more infomation from Daz UI only,

    1 Find morph (parameter) which you need to check in daz Parameters tab,

    2 change Parameter tab option (r click the Parameter tab)>> edit mode on , then we can easy check the morph type (M or A or P)

    3 click the gear icon of the morph in Parameter tab, show the parameter setting info (name, label name , category path )

    4 serch the morph name in your character data morph directory. and confirm there is dsf flies of the vendor / product directory.

    usually there is case, you may need to import other morphs, because it is used by your import morph. about those case, you may need to check blender prompt log.

    it may show which morph miss. (though add on try to import those morphs, at same time but it may corrupt UI category.

    Add on do best job but there still remain case, it can not generate driver as same as daz, or can not deform as same as daz ( blender side reason or too complex ERC) so untill you confirm all morph work, making best morph set may take time.

    anytime you get stable morphs set, save the scene I recommend, without merge graft etc. then you can keep work when you need later.

  3. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    Thank you Xin and engetudouiti, that is what I needed. engetudouiti I appreciate all the info, that is the overview and procedure info I was hoping to learn.

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