merge materials doesn't remove unused materials

Issue #630 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

When we merge and separate meshes it may happen that unused materials are left on some objects. For example if we separate some parts and/or delete unneccesary geometry. In this case “merge materials” doesn’t delete the unused materials.

There’s a quick command in blender to do that on the active object so it’s not a big deal. But when we merge materials on multiple meshes it may come in handy if “merge materials” also deletes the unused materials as a last step.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Aren’t unused materials removed automatically when the file is reopened? Unless there is a fake user.

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Nope, because the materials get a owner that’s the geometry, even if there’s no face associated. We have to use “remove unused material slots“ for every mesh.

    example steps:

    1. import G8F
    2. in edit mode select some geometry and separate by selection (mesh > separate > selection)

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