Geograft of Geograft issue

Issue #633 resolved
Miki3d created an issue

Hi there!
I have a 2 level geograft made using two existent props without modifying the polycount, so I can keep their morphs.
The prop in the middle (green) shares the “graft faces for attachment” with both the parent (blue) and the child (red)

With surprise, it works on daz, but when I try to merge them in blender I get this error

If I export red and green they merge correctly, the same if I export green and blue, so I guess the problem is because red and blue share the same attachment faces with red.
Before splitting the green faces to have unique attachments, I wonder if there’s a way to fix that.
Thanks 🙂

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Not quite sure if I understand the situation. In general, if you have a hierarchy of geografts (geografts for geografts), the higher levels should be merged first, and the bottom layer geografts should be merged at the same time. But I think that the tool now recognizes hierarchies automatically, so selecting all geografts at the same time should work.

    Though I never tested the case that several geografts share the same boundary. That might be a problem.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The vertex number table introduced recently introduced a new bug for geografts for geografts; some things were done in the wrong order. Fixed now.

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