When transfer jcm for separate clothing rig, how add on set driver (question)?

Issue #642 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

It is related with resolved issue #638 then I do not request at current to add option etc, but simply hope to know if I keep dress rig ane mesh as separate (not merge with character rig) then transfer JCM from character base mesh to clothing mesh with use driver..

the clothing JCM shape keys will drive when I pose character still? or add on generate driver target as the clothing rig?

if it can generate driver target as character rig pose bone,, I think some clothing can keep separate rig and mesh easy. (of course set constrain for same name bones by script etc,, and when I swap clothing, I need to change constrain target, and may need to change driver target of jcm to current scene character rig again, but I suppose you already offer it (and I have same script which can change dirver target with current active rig)

if it generate transfered JCM (or morph) driver target as each clothing rig bone (like clothing > Shin.R) I think, it never work untill I change dirver target as character pose bone,, for each expression variable.. (and it is not so easy,,when there are many jcms I suppose, because constrain clothing bone keep rotation value as 0… )

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